June 6th

959 24 2

Alison's POV

I opened my eyes this morning and unlocked my phone and I smiled at the first message I got. It was from Emily.

"Happy Birthday babe! I know you don't come to school on your birthday if it falls on a school week, so I'll see you after! I can't wait to celebrate! I love you! 😍😘❤️



I got up and got into the shower, I was curling my hair when there was a light knock on my door.

"Come in!" I called.

"Happy Birthday kiddo" Jason grinned.

"Hey, thanks! Are you still taking me to get my license today?" I smirked.

"That was your wish, of course I am." He winked.

"You know those should be DiLaurentis trademarks. The wink and the smirk." I laughed.

"Haha that's not a bad idea! Are you almost ready?" He asked.

"If I didn't know any better I would think that you're more excited than I am to get my license." I grinned.

"We should get to the DMV before it gets crazy packed." He clarified.

"You make a valid point. I'm ready. Let's go." I walked past him to his pickup truck. He started it, and we were off.


"Smile hun." The woman said.

I smiled as she took my picture. She handed me my license, "Congratulations!" She smiled warmly.

"Thank you!" I got a text from Jason telling me to meet him outside.

Okay that's weird.

I walked outside, Jason was nowhere in sight. I was confused. I unlocked my phone and called him.

"Hey kiddo! Did you pass?"

"Yeah! Where are you?" I asked. "You were supposed to wait for me until I finished my test."

"Well, now that I know you got your license, Dad and I have a surprise for you. You've really impressed him with how hard you worked to get back into school, finally you got your license, and I'm proud of you too and-"

"Thanks Jason, but where are you?" I asked.

"Turn around." He said simply.

I turned around and my jaw dropped. I hung up and saw Jason leaning on a shiny red car with the biggest grin on his face.

"Like I was saying, Dad and I are proud of you and all that you've accomplished."

"Oh, thanks, I'm sure mom would be proud too." I said.

He held up keys that seemed to shine even more since the summer sun was out and stood up straight. "I'm sure mom would have wanted this to be yours too." He said as he tossed me the keys.

"Jason.." I started.

"It's a BMW Series 2 Coupé 220i..we got it in your favorite color...red, right?" He said as he admired the car.

"Are you serious?" My eyes widened, drinking in the beauty of my car.

"Yeah, Dad's inside finishing up the paperwork. Happy Birthday Alison." He smirked.

"This is...wow..like just wow." I was speechless.

"Hey princess, do you like your gift?" My dad asked walking towards me.

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