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Alison's POV

"Emilyy." I whined.

"What's wrong, babe?" She called out.

"Are you sure you can manage to wash your hair without dissolving your stitches? I mean, I can help." I shuffled in front of the bathroom door.

"Would that make you happy?"

"Kinda, I love your hair..." I trailed off. "So can I..."

Emily opened the door looking slightly disheveled, half of her hair was caked with my shampoo and it didn't look like she got very far with washing it. "Please, help me..before I shave it." She said while biting her lip, attempting to hide the smirk creeping across her features.

"You wouldn't!" I giggled. "How would you even keep up with it if you shaved it?"

"I'm just kidding, I couldn't pull off short hair if my life depended on it." She joked.

"Well, maybe you could." I took her hand and took the conditioner and a towel with me, dragging Emily down the stairs to the kitchen sink. "I could actually picture you with the Rihanna bob that she had for Good Girl Gone Bad. I forget what year that was." I teased.

Emily pulled up one of the stools and leaned her head into the sink as I began to massage the rest of the shampoo into the rest of her long, brown, luscious locks.

"Ali, would you still marry me if I cut all my hair off?" She asked honestly, I could feel the insecurity in her voice.

"Of course I would. You're still Emily Fields whether you have Repunzel hair or none at all." I started. "Well, I'd miss having a huge handful of your hair while you make sure everyone in Rosewood knows your name." I smirked.

Emily bursted out laughing. "Really, that's all you'd miss?"

I rolled my eyes. "No. But I would still love you even if you had that hideous pixie cut."

"Shots fired Ali, are we in a no chill zone?" Hanna practically sung while making her way through my front door, it's become a habit for her to just walk in without knocking, and sometimes I don't mind it anymore. "You're not doing it right now, right?" She covered her eyes.

"No Han, do you know how uncomfortable it would be for Ali to have her back against the kitchen counter?" Emily sputtered out.

"Hanna, open your eyes, I'm just washing Em's hair. I don't want her stitches to dissolve again." I laughed. "Em, we did-"

Hanna covered her ears. "OKAY I DON'T NEED TO HEAR THIS. LALALALA!"

"Oh stop being a baby, Han. Not that I don't love you, but what are you doing here?" I asked turning on the nozzle to spray all the shampoo out of Emily's hair.

"Well, I kinda got into a fight with Aria.." She trailed off sadly.

"Aww Han, please come sit next to me. I'm listening." Emily cooed.

"Team Hannily much?" I teased.

"Aww Ali is learning ship names!" Hanna squealed. "What's my ship name with you?" She quizzed.

"Hmm, is it Hanison?" I guessed.

"Umm, I don't think we had one, but now we do!" She grinned. "Anyway, Aria got upset with me because I said something...insensitive."

"Like what?" Emily asked gently.

"Jesus Han, you don't have a filter, do you?" I chastised as I started conditioning Emily's hair.

"I guess not. I jokingly said that Mike gave me a better kiss than the one she had just given me." She muttered quietly.

"Well, no wonder she's upset with you, Han. Apologize." I fussed.

"She doesn't wanna talk to me right now, Em." Hanna said sadly.

"Han, hand me my phone please?" I said quickly thinking of an idea.

Hanna furrowed her brows and handed me my phone. I quickly sent a text and put it back on the counter.

"Well, what was that for?" Hanna asked in confusion. "Anyway, can I crash at your place tonight? I promise I won't be too obnoxious." Her voice cracking from sadness.

Emily started to invite her when my phone vibrated.

"Hey Han, text Aria and tell her to check her porch." I interrupted.

"...okay." She unlocked her phone and slid her finger around hitting the letters she wanted before sending and locking her phone. "Why did you-?" Her phone vibrated.

"Han...what did she say?" I smiled knowingly

"Come home, I love you," She smiled happily. "what did you do, Ali?"

"Go get your girl Han, don't worry about what I did." I smiled and rinsed the conditioner out of Emily's hair.

Emily's POV

"You're such a good friend." I smiled and kissed Ali's lips softly.

"I love when people are happy, Em. In fact..." She dialed another number.


"Hey, can you show up at Spencer's house? Bring her some coffee? Don't tell her you're coming." I smiled realizing who she called.

You could almost feel the grin through the phone. "Okay, any reason?"

"Nope, I just think she'd love to see you right now. Maybe she'll stop reading for a few minutes." She joked.

"I'll be there in ten. Bye Ali."

She hung up. "Now, can I enjoy some terribly rated horror films on Netflix with my bride-to-be?"

"Of course, I love you." I grinned. "Did I mention how perfect you are for me?" I kissed her temple.

"False, you're perfect for me." She argued playfully.

I just laughed, "You really did good today babe, I love you."

"I hope Spencer likes her surprise." She whispered and kissed my forehead.

"Oh, she will." I smiled.

Spencer's POV

I sighed sadly as my doorbell rang and I looked up from my book and hesitantly walked to my front door, ready to send anyone trying to sell me something away. I approached the door and opened it, I immediately teared up as I saw him for the first time in four months.

"Toby..." I wrapped my arms around him and he hugged me back happily.

"Did you miss me?" He grinned.

"When do I not miss you?" I said kissing him passionately, everything I almost forgotten about him returned to my head, the smell of his cologne, the way his perfect blue eyes twinkled whenever we're together.

"Were you busy?" He asked, his voice music to my ears.

"Not anymore." I whispered in his ear, tears trickling down my face. "I thought you were out on business."

"Some things are more important than a meeting." He laughed lightly. "Happy Anniversary, Spence." he said, kissing me deeply.

"You're my happily ever after." I whispered.

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