I Know How You Feel

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Spencer's POV

"Emily, I really don't think there's anything to talk about" I insisted.

"Listen Spencer, I know you look calm on the surface but you secretly implode on the inside" She crossed her arms. "We're going to talk about Hanna and Aria whether you like it or not."

"Emily it's-"

"DON'T, EVEN SAY IT. I think I'm one hundred percent aware of anything complicated, okay?" She frowned.

"I'm sorry, Emily. I know how hard it is to be on the 'it's complicated' end." I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Please talk to me, Spence. I'm sure I can understand and you know I'm always here to comfort you. You are one of my best friend after all," She smiled. "but I need to ask you something, why did Aria feel the need to ask for your blessing?"

"She said that?"

"Yes, those words exactly."

"I..I really don't know."

"Is she afraid of you, Spencer?"

"She's always asked me for my approval, she even asked if I was okay with Mr. Fitz." I explained.

"Well, the all important question, are you okay with Aria dating Hanna? Because it's okay if you're not. I watched Alison be with guys, trust me, I feel your pain, if that's the case. I won't tell anyone."

I felt my eyes water. "Does it even matter at this point?"

"Spencer...come here." She opened her arms with the most heartbreaking look on her face.

I willingly let myself into her embrace and the tears started to pour out. "Did it hurt this bad? To watch Ali be with other people?" I sniffled.

"If you mean that feeling like your heart cracked as if it were made of glass, yes Spencer, it hurts to even think about it."

"I feel so selfish, Aria is my closest friend, no offense to the rest of you, but I felt something..different for her, ever since she stood up to Ali when she was being malicious towards Han, after The Jenna Thing."

"I know what you mean. Remember when Ali took us to the Jersey Shore on the Fourth of July?"

"Yeah, why?"

"We kissed under the pier, she told me we shouldn't tell you guys, because you wouldn't understand." She laughed.

"She told us she wasn't getting on because you guys just ate!" I grinned. "How long have you guys actually been sneaking around and kissing behind our backs?" I teased.


"Yeah, it's kinda funny, how well she could hide her feelings but you couldn't hide how smitten you were." I giggled.

"Okay, one day, she invited me over. She took me up the tree house and scolded me for being so slow. I think it was a secret that she meant to only invite me, since I asked her like multiple times if she was sure she didn't want you guys to come." She said with a grin appearing on her face. "She told me I was her favorite and she loved that I always stood up for her when people didn't have anything nice to say about her, that's also the first time she called me Killer."

"And then?" I wiggled my eyebrows.

"She kissed me, on the cheek, and said that she loved me. I didn't understand at the time what she meant, but when she said 'as a friend' she sounded disappointed hahaha."

"That's actually so cute." I grinned. "In that case, I love Aria enough to happily let her be with Han. I'll just keep a close eye on her, to make sure she doesn't mess anything up or hurt her in any way."

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