Really Han?

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Alison's POV

UGH! I'm really pissed off. It's one thing for Spencer to interrupt a conversation, but Hanna interrupting a kiss.. possibly leading to something more? Just because she has an idea. This better be good. Poor Emily. I mean her body is to die for, but she's so shy that she probably won't be able to look Hanna in the eyes for a week.

"What the hell couldn't wait until tomorrow, Han?"

"Sorry, but I had an idea of how to take this bitch down." Hanna said.

"Okay Han what is it?" Em asked quietly.

"Okay so I have a theory." Hanna started.

Spencer furrowed her brows, as if Hanna had never been able to form a thought by herself.

"I saw that Spencer! You're gonna feel dumb when I-"


"Jeez someone's a little snippy" shooting a wink in my direction.

I glared at her. "Whatever. Your theory?"

"The Regina George Approach." She said proudly.

Aria's jaw dropped, Emily was trying to stifle a laugh, Spencer wasn't even amused, while I was trying not to blow up.

"Hanna...this isn't Mean Girls." Spencer stated.

"No freakin kidding Spence, this is a really good idea!"

All of a sudden Emily bursted out laughing.

"Emily Fields! Don't laugh!" Hanna pouted.

"Okay, okay, relax Han. She does have an army, but no Aaron Samuels. What's our course of action?" Aria asked trying to keep a straight face.

Hanna goes on to explain possibly the dumbest idea anyone has ever conceived. I missed sex for this mess. I can see why Spencer looked at her like that. I didn't mind listening to her since Emily could no longer sit up because she was laughing so hard. Her head was in my lap and she was covering her face with her hands, trying to stop laughing.

"Hate to be the bearer of bad news Hanna, but why on earth would Courtney just fall from the position she's in? It's not like she's in a social clique at school, this is real life." Spencer said fluidly.

"We've taken on her army before, remember? Anyway as soon as we cut one head off two more grow back in its place." Aria said sadly.

"Wait, did you just refer to her as the Hydra?" Spencer asked.

"The what?" Hanna questioned.

"It's part of Greek mythology. Hercules was going to have to complete twelve difficult tasks. One of them was the Hydra. The Hydra was an ugly reptilian monster that needed to be slain. The problem was that it started with three heads, but when Hercules would take one off, two would grow in its place." Spencer explained.

"So, you're trying to tell me, that a myth is more likely than taking her down Regina George style?" Hanna huffed.

"No, but that does give me an idea." Spencer replied. I could practically see the gears moving in her head.

"Spencer, as much as I want this to be over, I'm not cutting anyone's head off. That's gross." Hanna responded.

"No! Of course not! But don't you see? She applies the same tactic. As soon as we find out who we think -A is, she finds another middleman to do her bidding." She explained excitedly.

"That makes sense, but what do we have that can get the almighty -A out of her hiding place?" I asked.

"You were almost killed because of those N.A.T. Club videos right?" Spencer asked.

"No, I was nearly killed because I love Emily. Paige is the one who tried to kill me, my mother buried me." I said as I saw Emily wince in pain at my words.

"She was shouting at someone when she was burying you though?" She questioned.

"You think she was talking to Courtney? She couldn't have been. She was yelling at Paige. Her father is a deacon at the church remember? It makes more sense, although why she wouldn't say something...I'll never understand." I said.

"No, but I bet Paige had further incentive to kill you because of Courtney." Spencer reasoned

"Well, I still have the videos." I said raising an eyebrow.

"If you go and provoke her..." Spencer started.

"I don't want Alison going against Courtney." Emily suddenly declared.

"Alison and the N.A.T. Club videos? That's like a jackpot for Courtney!" Hanna exclaimed.

"Emily, I'm willing to end this as soon as I can. You guys will be with me right?" I asked.

"Of course Ali, I'll be right with you." Emily said holding my hands.

"Alright..then it's settled. When should we do this?" Aria asked.

"Courtney is psychotic. What if she goes after my parents or Jason?" I asked.

"She may be everywhere, but she can't be two places at the same time."

"That doesn't really make any sense Han." Aria said.

"Well, Jason is older than you, I'm sure if your parents we're hypothetically killed, considering they don't know you're alive yet, they must have left Jason the house." Spencer explained.

"So, next week? I love Emily, but I hate being confined to one place."

"Okay, sounds good. We'll get going then." Spencer got up and put on her jacket. The others joined since they carpooled here.

Soon Emily and I were alone again.

"Sooo where were we before we were rudely interrupted." I batted my eyelashes.

Emily scooped me into her arms and carried me up the stairs. "I think I have an idea" she winked.

We weren't disturbed for the rest of that night. The only thing I was plagued by was facing Courtney, but Emily being right there made me feel so much better about it. Sure, it's gonna be a long story telling all of Rosewood about my disappearance. Making amends with people is gonna suck. Hoping I'd get a second chance with these people, would be nice. It honestly wouldn't even matter. I'd destroy my crown of Queen Bee any day to be in public with Em. That last thought brought me comfort as soon as Emily wrapped her arms around me. Yeah, that's gonna be the best part of coming back. My eyes soon fluttered shut as I peacefully fell asleep.

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