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Emily's POV

Tonight is the night of prom. Spencer wanted to get Toby ready, so that left Hanna and Aria to get me and Alison ready for prom. Aria was going to help Ali and Hanna was gonna help me. Which I guess is fair. Ali is really worked up and nervous and needs an actual chill pill. I'm in need of a serious pep talk that Hanna is the best at giving to others. The disaster that would happen if they were to switch places I'd be going to prom in tears with an infuriated Ali.

"Do you think Ali is okay?" I asked.

"Em, she's in good hands. If Aria was any more zen, I swear she might be smoking weed." Hanna said.

"You think Aria smokes weed?!" I asked nervously.

"Jesus Em! I almost took your eye out, you have to settle down if I have a pencil in my hand. Gosh, I was only making an anthology." Hanna panicked.

"I think you mean analogy..Han." I laughed.

"Anthology, analogy same thing." She insisted.

"Okay Han." I laughed. "Whatever you say."

"Open your eyes. Ali is gonna melt when she sees you because you are so HOT!" Hanna smirked.

"Thank you so much for all your help Han." Pulling her in for a tight hug.

"Don't thank me now, that dress is perfect. It shows off a good amount of back and your legs too." Hanna complimented.

"What is it with you guys and my legs?" I laughed.

"Ali likes your legs, they're smooth, toned, why do you think we worship your legs?" Hanna stated.

"You're quite the catch, Em." She winked.

"Thanks Han" I smiled.


The doorbell all of a sudden rang.

"Well, go get it, your bride is on the other side!"

I blushed. "Han..."

I opened the door and Alison looks so beautiful and our dresses matched.

I pulled her in for a quick kiss. "Ali, you're so unbelievably-" I started

"You too Em, are you ready?" Her eyes were looking dark they looked like they were full of desire.

"Like I said, power couple. You both look hot." Hanna winked.

"Thanks Han, well, your chariot awaits babe." She held my hands and brought me into her new car.


She took me back to the highest point of Rosewood and put the car in park and shut off the engine.

"So, Emily Fields is my date to the prom." She smiled.

"Yeah, and Alison DiLaurentis is my extremely beautiful date." I grinned.

"You really think I look beautiful Em?" She asked.

"Ali, I'd still think you're beautiful with no make up on and dressed in the scrubbiest attire possible." I replied honestly.

"Awww, I absolutely love you, babe." She kissed me on the cheek.

"I mean every single word of it." I smiled.

"You are stunning, Em." She complimented.

"I almost had a panic attack because I thought you were gonna stand me up." She blurted out.

"Ali, I could never stand anyone up, especially you. I was near an anxiety attack, but it makes it better that you're here with me." I said lightly kissing her forehead.

"You really mean it?" Her eyes threatening to spill tears.

"I'd never lie to you, Alison." I smiled.


We pulled up and walked inside hand in hand and well, let's just say, jaws hit the floor.

Sydney had brought Samara, and she thanked me for bringing them together, truth be told they were a beautiful couple, they really look like they love each other. Hanna, Spencer, and Aria were practically in hysterics and Toby told us we looked beautiful.

"So how are you liking your first dance together?" Aria shouted over the music.

"I think it's awesome, thanks for helping me get ready Aria." Ali yelled back.

"Yeah, thanks for helping me get ready Han, I was really nervous!" I shouted.

"I won't ever understand why you would be nervous! You two are the cutest couple in school!" Spencer complimented.

"I'd do anything for you Em, I don't mind getting you ready!" Hanna hollered.

"Emily can I talk to you for a second?" Ali whispered in my ear.

"Of course!" I said.

She took me outside and gave me the most passionate kiss I had ever gotten in my entire life.

"What was that for?" I asked trying to catch my breath.

"For being so sweet and kind, I'm..really in love with you Emily." She said

"I'm in love with you too Ali." I said quietly. "You're single-handedly the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and got the opportunity to meet. It's almost unreal how well things are going between us."

I cupped her face and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips.

"Let's go back inside so I can show off my amazing girlfriend." She winked taking my hand and we walked back inside.


Alison dragged me to the gazebo where they would take our pictures for prom. They looked like they were gonna come out beautiful.

The night was perfect, it took everything in me not to make love to her right in the middle of the dance floor. But we had our first slow dance together which was super romantic. We danced pretty much all night. It was almost like a dream, I have the most beautiful girl in the universe as my date, and the music just stopped for Vice Principal Tamborelli to announce the Prom King and Queen. I'm positive that Alison is gonna win. She deserves it.

"Surprisingly, an overwhelming amount of people want a change, this year, there is no Prom King, but rather two Prom Queens." He announced.

I held my breath in suspense.

"This years first official Prom Queens are..Alison DiLaurentis and Emily Fields! Congratulations girls! Come on up, we have two tiaras up here for you!"

Alison took my hand as we made it to the makeshift stage. We were both crowned and we held our hands up in the air earning cheers from the entire school, but our friends were the loudest, this is almost the best night of my entire life. Alison DiLaurentis and I are Prom Queens, I couldn't have asked for a better night with my friends and my blonde haired, blue eyed beauty.

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