The Question

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Alison's POV

Today is April 24th, which means it's Emily's birthday today. She looked a little upset, when she left for her meet. The reason for that is because I convinced her that I forgot her birthday. That gives me some time to call Hanna. What better way to finish off her season with a win and the most important question you could ask a girl in High School as part of her gift? She picked up on the second ring.

Hey Ali, what's up?

Hey Han, listen, could you get me a dozen roses? I'll pay you as soon as you get here. I kinda need your help with something.

Did something happen between you and Emily?

No. I smiled to myself.

What's going on then?

I'll explain when you get here.

Okay! I'll be there in 20.


We hung up. I grabbed two poster boards out of the back of my closet. I made them earlier this week, but did a really good job of hiding them from Emily. I smiled, the first one said: "Happy Birthday My Love" in cursive, I had traced over my script with glue and put glitter on each letter with a single color of the rainbow. The other one said: "Prom?" in the same script but larger and the glitter was in the Rosewood Sharks colors, well close enough to it, I substituted white for silver. I chose one a red strapless dress with red heels. I put on my makeup making sure to especially put on red lipstick, her favorite.

Hanna banged on the front door, and I hustled to open the door. She had red roses, perfect!

"Wow, you look hot. What happened?" She smirked.

I dug into my wallet and gave her the money I owed her for the roses. "Nothing happened. Emily believes I didn't remember her birthday today, follow me."

I took her upstairs and her jaw dropped. "Aww Ali that's so sweet, Happy Birthday My Love? She's gonna love it!"

"I think she might be floored with my other surprise." I smirked.

"Wait, what are you talking about?" She asked.

I just held up the sign and Hanna was almost on the floor herself.

"Awwww Ali! You're gonna Prompose?" She beamed.

"I thought it would be a nice surprise, I said I'd come to her meet tonight, could you give me a lift?" I asked.

"Of course! You should totally come inside before she's about to dive in. It'll look like you just made a 'Go Emily' sign, you guys are so cute together" She smiled.

"Should I wait at the finish line once she gets out? I know she's gonna win." I smirked.

"No, you should stand on the opposite side! I'll point you out when she finishes the race." Hanna offered.

"I'm glad you're still my friend Hanna, even though I was terrible to you, I'm sorry." I apologized.

"Don't worry about it, as long as you treat Emily right, we won't ever have problems." She grinned.


We arrived at the school and Hanna got a text from Aria called asking where we were and that Emily was getting anxious.

"We just got here." Hanna answered.

"Well, hurry up! Emily is up in like five minutes!" She panicked.

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