Just Married

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Also if you believe Alison is A, I think you need an evaluation for how fucking dumb that idea is.

The one character that drives splinters under my fingernails is SPENCER. She's supposed to be the smart one and she's being so naïve and stupid! Spencer, along with Mona, made it so easy to brainwash the four liars into thinking Alison is the enemy. 

Let's not mention the severe irony of Spencer becoming the "leader" of the rest of her friends, what does that really say about her?

People are so quick to jump to conclusions based on something that isn't the full story. Want an example? Jenna, Ian, Noel, Jason, Garret, Toby, Mrs. D, Ezra, and now they suspect Alison. The list continues to grow and they're wrong every single time! DO YOU SEE THE PATTERN?

Did everyone magically forget the time Alison was being STRANGLED by A and Emily saved her from being choked to death?

I'm also tired of Paily shippers appearing out of nowhere like a case of herpes. Attacking the writers when they don't get their way and attacking Emison shippers and other people from different fandoms for having an opinion. Stop.

Oh and one more thing; all of those that were so quick to join the Emison fandom, then left to go to the Paily fandom, because Ali did some "questionable" things on the show. You were never a real shipper. Rule #1: You go down with your ship. No exceptions.


Emily's POV

I woke up this morning cuddling with Ali on our living room couch. When I look at this woman, I see the girl that I've never given up on. No matter how dangerous it was out there, she was always helping us and looking out for our safety as much as she could; even if that meant putting her own life at risk.

I look at her and see the adversity she's been through from the ages of fifteen to seventeen. Alison is the true metaphor of a phoenix. She rose from the ashes of the person she once was, spread her wings and became something brand new. I loved Alison when she was a wall of ice that only seemed to melt when she was with me and I love her even more now, even if I have to share her true beauty with everyone else.

Our wedding is coming up soon and I'm really excited, in two weeks time I'll be married to my first love. How many people can say that?

I swept some of hair out of her face and kissed her cheek. "Ali? Are you awake?"

"Five more minutes? The baby was kicking all night." She muttered.

I smiled and got off the couch. "I'll make you some breakfast."

"Mmm okay."


In about half an hour breakfast was ready and Ali waddled over to the table to sit with me.

"Can you believe we're getting married?" I said excitedly.

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