Everything Will Be Okay

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Alison's POV

I question why on earth someone would want two Prom Queens. I mean, I'm glad I won. Still, if it were still just standard Prom King and Prom Queen, I would have just given the crown to Emily. I was a terrible person, so how did that change people's perception of me in three weeks of being back? I'm nicer to people, but I guess the people who I tormented the most don't even go here anymore. Mona is in the loony bin, Lucas moved to California, Paige is locked up, and my friends have forgiven me. Things are going so well, so well that it feels like it can't possibly be real. Something is about to go wrong and I can feel it.

Sitting in class reading Ethan Frome is pure torture. I wouldn't read this to my worst enemy. How is this even literature? It's so dull and it depresses me just looking at the front cover.

"Hey, these study questions aren't gonna do themselves Ali." Emily said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Right, sorry Em. I just really hate this book."

"I'll say, this is book belongs in the trash" Hanna grimaced.

"Well, if you were here earlier, we would have read The Great Gatsby. It's a little backwards in the curriculum, but Mr. Fitz insisted on teaching The Great Gatsby first." She explained.

"Ezra taught this class?"

"Yeah, he resigned after Aria found out he was going to publish our personal lives." Hanna frowned.

"Yeah, I guess she was right for that. Are they still together?" I asked.

"I actually don't know. Why?" Hanna looked intrigued.

"Just curious" I stated flatly.

Emily made a face and it looked almost as if she were jealous.

"Hey, I saw that. You have no competition, Em. I love you, and only you." I winked.

"Can we just get through this stupid book already?" Hanna complained.

Emily blushed "O-okay. So, um, what is the symbolism of Mattie's red scarf and red ribbon?"

"Red stands out..so she stands out to Ethan..right?" I guessed.

"Sounds like someone I know." Hanna smirked making Emily laugh.

"Are you trying to make a joke out of that coat?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I would have thought to wear a color that didn't stand out if I was hiding." Hanna laughed.

"I wish I still had it. It was cute." I grumbled.

"I liked your coat too, but we should really finish these questions." Emily stated.

"True, okay what's the next question?"


It became a usual thing for Emily to drive me home after school, her mom is always visiting her Dad in Texas, so she's usually at my house more often than not. Her mom just left again, so we spend all twenty-four hours of the day with each other, of course unless the other girls feel like coming over. Spencer is my next door neighbor and I barely see her outside of school, probably with Toby. I don't know what's up with Aria lately and Hanna feels like a third wheel if it's just us. Which is weird, it use to be just the three of us until I brought Aria and Spencer into our little group. Oh well, more time with my Emily.

"Ugh, school was so hot today." I said as I flopped on my couch.

"Well, it's almost June, Ali." She laughed.

"Can you get me some juice out of the fridge? Please?" I pouted.

"You didn't have to pout for that. I don't mind getting you a drink when the gates of hell have opened outside." She smiled.

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