Righting My Wrongs

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Emily's POV

"Come on Ali, you can do it." I encouraged through tears.

"Emily it hurts so bad, I think I'm gonna die." She wailed.

"No, we made it through so much, Ali. You can do this, I believe in you."

She screamed in agony, and tried to push again.

"It's a..." The doctors eyes widened in fear.

"Girl...right?" I asked in a confused tone.

The doctor turned around and she shook her head.

"It was...the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck, I'm sorry."

My heart shattered into a trillion pieces, our baby didn't make it.

As soon as she broke the news to us, a sinister laugh of someone horribly familiar was bouncing off the walls of the delivery room.

"Oh no, Emily, she's here." She pointed a shaking finger to the doorway.

"Hi bitch, did you miss me?" Courtney Drake sneered.

"NO!" I cried.

She laughed wickedly and raised a gun towards Alison and pulled the trigger.

Ali had a look of shock on her face, clutching her chest, while blood dribbled out of her mouth.

Courtney just laughed and made a run for it.

I was half way out the door to tear this terrorist in half, until Ali called out to me.

"Emily..." Ali coughed.

"Mrs. DiLaurentis, your wife's lung as been punctured, we're doing all we can to save her."

I turned around and doctors were trying to tend to her wound, but the amount of blood pouring out of my fiancé made her look hopeless.

She reached out and took my hand. "Please..don't let go." She pleaded through pools of tears.

"I'm not going anywhere." I whispered through sobs.

It's something else, to lose not only your child..but watch the love of your life slowly die before your eyes. But I held on the whole time, her cheeks soaked with her tears, choking on her painful sobs.

"Em..." She could barely whisper while beckoning for me to come closer.

I leaned in.

She raised her shaking hands to cup my cheeks and place her lips against mine for the last time "Goodbye, beautiful."

The last thing I heard was the fateful noise of the monotone flatline.

"We're so sorry." Her doctor squeezed my shoulder suppressing a sob. "Time of death... 6:54PM."


I jolted out of my slumber. Thankfully it was only a dream. One very terrible, horrible dream. I glanced towards the clock and quickly swung myself out of bed.

I went through the letters looking for the one I wanted: Open when... You've had a bad dream

Hi Em

If you opened this letter I would guess that you had a horrible dream. Whatever it was, all of us are okay at home. Spencer, Hanna, Aria, me and the baby; we're all okay. We'll all be patiently awaiting our hero :)

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