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The sound of the doorbell rings as you press your finger on its button. In front of you is Kozume Kenma's traditional Japanese house, the size of it in front seems like it's bigger than your own apartment. Well, it's a house so of course it has to be.

On your other hand is a crumpled piece of paper with Kozume's address written on it by Kuroo's sloppy hand writing. Seriously, it took you at least about ten minutes to figure out what he wrote. Even a child can write better than Kuroo.

The door in front of you slides open, revealing a man in a black sweater with the logo "Bouncing Ball" in front. 

So this guy must be Kozume Kenma. 

" Uhm. Are you perhaps, Kozume Kenma?" you ask him cautiously. Your eyes dart towards an orange cat below him who's rubbing its head on his leg. 

" What do you think?" He asks while he picks up the adorable cat. " Yeah, I am. You're the new editor, I suppose?" 

 " Uhm I'm applying to be one." you nod your head in determination. Kozume looks at you with a straight face, not one expression is shown on it. 

" Okay. Get inside." his voice sounded bored and tired, which causes you to furrow your eyebrows at him once he turned his back. As instructed, you carefully got inside his huge house and took off your shoes. 

Both of you sat in front of a kotatsu while papers sat on top of the table. 

"You're hired." before you could even take out your usb drive to show him your best edited videos, Kozume spoke out with a blank look on his face which stopped you on the spot. 

" P-pardon?" you ask, making sure you heard things right.

" I said you're hired. I don't really care if you're a good editor or not, I just want someone who's competent and does their work." 

" And I assume, you do. Kuroo rambled on and on about you last night." you couldn't believe what you were hearing. You'd think he was a little more stricter but hearing him say those things changed your mind. Of course, you were absolutely happy inside now that you don't have to worry about struggling to look for jobs, all thank to Kuroo.

" I am. Thank you for giving me this opportunity." you smile at him yet he only nods his head. He takes a sip of his coffee and puts it down after. 

" Now let's start with the rules." you scramble to take out your mini notebook to take notes, to which he stares at you in confusion.

" Do you really need that?" He asks in an annoyed manner. You confidently nod your head and smile. 

" I don't want to miss a single detail. I am going to be your new editor after all" you cocked your head to the right and smile. His expression changes from a bored one to a slightly interested look. 

" Alright." he says.

" I make videos every Wednesday and Friday and upload them on Thursdays and Saturdays. This means you get one night to edit my videos, you'll have to email the finished products on my private email. Keep in mind, I'll send videos I don't find satisfying back to you and you'll have to edit them to my satisfaction. I want the best videos for my subscribers." you quickly write it out while nodding your head along to every thing he says.

" Also, there will be times I make special videos that are not in my schedule due to emergencies so be prepared to work anytime." he warns you. 

" Alright, I'll make sure to do my best." you assure him with a smile. 

" Oh right, don't call me by my family name." you eyebrows raise at his sudden request. 

" pardon? Should I call you something else then?" you ask, tilting your head in confusion. 

Kodzuken ( readerxkenma)Where stories live. Discover now