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You woke up to what felt like rays of blinding lights, you squinted your eyes and carefully opened them one more time. The little girl, Riku, immediately caught your attention. She was staring directly at you with worried eyes while her small delicate hands held yours. 

" Hi." You greeted with a smile and Riku adorably smiled back. The second thing that caught your attention was your surroundings. The room was brightly lit due to the big windows that were placed beside the bed, pink and blue curtains covered the sides of each windows. There were a couple of couches sitting at the sides. 

" Riku-chan. Do you know where we are?" You asked gently, caressing her head to ease her up. Riku looked around and innocently looked at you. 

" Uncle took you to the hospital. Kenma nii-chan brought you here with his car." 

Wait, hospital?

Your eyes widened, you abruptly sat up and looked around once more. Your questions were answered when you saw a sticker on the wall that said, ' Sanno Hospital'. But one question popped up in your head, why were you in a hospital in the first place?

Just as you were about to ask Riku, the white framed glass door opened abruptly and revealed Kenma and your father with a woman who was wearing a doctor's coat. 

" l/n-san, you don't have to worry your daughter is fine. " The woman reassured your father with a kind smile. She looked at you and was surprised to see you awake. 

" Hi, l/n-chan." She smiled from ear to ear as she walked closer to your right. She placed her hand on your arm while she looked at you in concern. 

" I'm Dr. Suzume. How are you feeling?" She asked. Your head turned to Kenma, who appeared to be worried and nervous. 

" I-I'm feeling fine. I was just dizzy ever since this morning." You answered honestly. The doctor nodded and smiled. 

" I'm glad you're feeling well now. I suppose you know it already right?" The corners of her lips curved up but you only looked at her with a confused expression. 

" I.. I actually don't know anything." You awkwardly laughed and looked away. Your eyes gazed at Kenma for an answer but even he looked confused, he only shrugged his shoulders and mouthed the words ' I don't know what she's talking about'. 

The doctor made a surprised sound but immediately chuckled. 

" I see. Well, I suppose I should just tell you then." She grinned. Your heart raced all of a sudden for no reason, you were nervous about what the doctor might tell you. 

" l/n-san, you're pregnant." She smiled. Silence filled the whole room while the doctor enthusiastically looked around to see everyone's happy expression, only to see a confused look on everyone's face instead. 

" huh?" You asked, looking at her for more clarification. Kenma couldn't utter a single word while your dad just covered his mouth in shock. 

" B-but.... we just did it y-y-yesterday." 

" Oh my goodness." Your heads turned towards your father who looked shocked, his hand on Kenma's shoulder while he breathes in and out dramatically. 

" I'm gonna be a grandfather." 

" What- No, dad can you please relax. " You shook your head. The doctor looked entertained by your father's reaction but immediately returned to her straight expression after seeing your confused look. 

" I see why you'd think that but every woman is different. Sometimes, results come after a week, weeks or even months. Yours just happened to be in a day. It's different for everyone." She caressed your hand. You and Kenma looked at each other and immediately looked away with your cheeks blushing. You felt your face immediately heat up and you hear your doctor chuckle. 

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