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T h r e e  M o n t h s  L a t e r

" Ah finally" you can't help but smile from ear to ear after you've finished editing one of Kenma's longest video by far. You were used to sitting down in front of a computer because of your old job so it was basically easy for you to deal with. Raising your arms over your head, you stretch them out after slouching in front of your computer for three hours. 

You walk towards Kenma's studio with a flash-drive on your hand.

" Kenma, the video is ready." you knock three times in order for him to hear. It's been three months since then, and you could say the two of you have gotten used to each other. Sure, Kenma may still be stingy or 'mean' at times but you've realized that he's just bad at dealing with people. Although you wonder how he survives the youtuber life with that trait.

The door slowly creaks open and Kenma greets you with a close lipped smile. These times are rare as you barely get to see him smile.

" Good news?" you tease him as you hand the flash-drive towards him. He nods but his smile disappears due to embarrassment.

" Multiple good news actually" He quietly mumbles. Even though it's been three months since you've worked for him, he still gets shy or awkward around you. You became used to it though because when he does, you usually show him a smile. To you, things have been going great so far, you feel like you and Kenma have gotten closer and even became friends. But there was that feeling, the feeling you can't quite forget, and it's bothering you. A lot.

" Care to share them?" You grin, he signals you to enter his studio by opening the door even more.

" My friend from overseas called me a while ago, he said he's decided to visit me" Kenma glances at his phone and unknowingly smiles at the thought of his close friend coming over. You feel your heart skip a beat, there it was. That same feeling you had that night. You recall it vividly, Kenma sitting sadly in front of you with his arms hugging his knees while his eyes avoid yours. You remember very clearly how soft and vulnerable he looked that night. Maybe it was the ambiance that caused you to feel that way.

" That sounds great" you choose to ignore those thoughts by shaking them away. You congratulate Kenma by clasping his hands in yours causing him to look away in response.

" It's not that big of a deal" he tries to remove your grasp while he attempts to avoid showing you his embarrassed face.

" It is a big deal. He's your friend from high school right?" your enthusiasm causes him to rethink about what he said. " Yeah" 

" Then it's probably been a while since you've seen each other"  you lean against his table with your hands supporting your weight.

" Good for you, you've got friends" looking up at the ceiling, you remember the situation between you and Yujii. Well, you pretty much called it quits a long time ago because it was evident she hated your guts. Kenma stands beside you and copies your posture.

" You have Kuroo..." you turn your attention towards him. He stares at the floor while deep in thought. You realize what you just said was selfish, it seems like you always forget the good side of things, like having Kuroo as a friend.

" Yeah. I've got Kuroo now" you smile at the thought. Somehow, Kuroo finds a way to help you solve your problems and you can't forget how forever indebted you are to him. Without his crafty and prankster attitude, you probably would've fallen for him already. You turn towards Kenma with a smile.

" And you" 

" and me...." the two of you respond in unison. Both of your eyes widened, only to look away in embarrassment.

Kodzuken ( readerxkenma)Where stories live. Discover now