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The door to your one bath, one bedroom apartment creaks open.  Exhausted of all the things that had happened today, you drop your sling bag on the floor and let out a sigh. You tried to reach out to Yujii earlier but you were met with no response.

Maybe I'll try again later.

You didn't want to lose another friend, not after everything you've gone through. You set foot on your kitchen, your feet touching the cold tiles. The sight of the unwashed dishes from earlier causes you to grunt in irritation.

" Crap. I forgot." after waking up late and hurrying to prepare yourself to meet up with Yujii, you had forgotten to wash the dishes. You wished you turned down her request, because if you did, you would probably still have her as your friend.

Your phone rings, you quickly run to where it was only to see your  mother's name on the caller ID.

You inhaled and exhaled a couple of times, preparing for another one of her annoying requests. You realized a long time ago that she only calls when she needs something and tonight is one of those times.

" Hi mom." you greet her with no enthusiasm due to the fact that you've already exhausted yourself.

" f/n. Why doesn't your father answer?" right off the bat, you can feel her frustration from the phone.

" Mom. I don't know. I haven't called him in a week, maybe he's busy?" you sit down on your couch.

You can hear your mother sigh, something tells you something has happened that you weren't aware of again. You throw your head back and close your eyes in frustration.

" What is it mom?"

" f/n. I need your father to sign the divorce papers but he's not answering." your shoulders drop down after hearing what she said. You can feel your heart break into pieces.

" You're really..... divorcing?" just when you think it couldn't get any worse, another bad news comes into your night.

" f/n, you know we can't handle it anymore. We've lost it. Our love for each other." you press your lips together, trying to prevent yourself from tearing up.

" I'm sorry f/n-" you end the call abruptly before your mother could say anything else.  Frustration and anger was all you felt, all of a sudden people from your life start leaving you for no reason and now, your parents who you love very much decided to break apart. Have they never considered how you feel throughout all of this?, you doubted it.

Due to all the pent up frustration in you, you throw your phone unto the bed and yourself along with it. The sound of an email notification catches your attention. Your eyes widen once your eyes catches the email address. You had already forgotten about work and it's only the first day.

From: Kozume Kenma

Here's the video I want you to edit. It's about thirty minutes long and it's another episode of my Minecraft series.

Attached below was a video clip with the duration of about half an hour just like he promised. You furrow your eyebrows at the sight of an unfamiliar name.

" Minecraft? what the heck is that?" you ask yourself but it's not like it mattered to you anyways.

To: Kozume Kenma

Alright, I got it. Are there things you want me to keep in mind when editing the video?

And like the earnest and hardworking person you are, you immediately head to your computer to load up the video.

From: Kozume Kenma

There are a few things. One, I don't want you to add too many sound effects. It sounds annoying and overused. Two, don't put too many subtitles. Keep it simple. Three, I want my videos to be funny for my subscribers so try to make it seem fun.

"T-that's a lot of rules.." you raise a brow at his reply. It seemed a lot to you but work is work, right? You began by watching the video in full. Without knowing, you start to get entertained by watching it. You let out a few laughs at Kenma cursing on camera with a straight face.

You noticed how friendly and funny Kenma was on camera, realizing he's the complete opposite in real life.

" So he has an internet personality, huh." you chuckle at the thought. Whether he's being fake or not, it's not like it matters to you. After all, you are only his editor.

After an hour of what seems like hell of editing, you finally sent the finished product to your boss.

" Ahh.. I forgot how everything worked.." you complain to yourself, referring to the fact that you had forgotten how to use After Effects anymore. You stretched your arms while letting out a sigh, tired after only doing an hour of editing.

You rested for thirty minutes, you thought you were finally able to go to sleep but the sound of your phone notification caught your attention.

From: Kozume Kenma

There are some things you left out that I like to be kept on the video and I thought I made it clear. Don't put too much sound effects. I like my videos to be high quality, keep that in mind.

Poker faced while reading his reply, you let out a sigh. You had expected something like this to happen, especially since you remembered what Kuroo said about him.

" Yeah, he's perfectionist." you smirk while you lazily drag yourself to your computer.

As requested, you worked on the video for another hour. At this point, you had already lost track of time.

" This should do it." you try to cheer yourself up while messaging your boss.

To: Kozume Kenma

I had already put the parts you've time stamped on the original video to the final product and lessened the sound effects. Hopefully you'll find this one better.

You crossed your fingers before pressing the send button. You wanted sleep and hopefully you'll finally get it. You waited patiently for his response while lying down on top of your bed. Your eyelids started to become heavy but the sound of another notification causes you to wake up and flinch.

From: Kozume Kenma

Close but not good enough. I don't think this is going to work. I'll upload it but for my next video I want to you to come to my house. I want to see you editing live so I can tell you what to do.

With your eyes becoming heavier and heavier, you can feel yourself falling asleep. You read his email again and again, struggling to fully comprehend. Your eyes widened once you've finally realized his request.

" What?!"

Kodzuken ( readerxkenma)Where stories live. Discover now