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You paddle to your kitchen because it's the third time you've been hungry today. You spent the first twelve hours of Thursday lazying around and doing nothing. Not that anything about it is surprising, it's basically your daily routine when not working. You open your outdated fridge, looking at it, you remember Kenma's and think about how decapitated yours seems. The white color coating it has basically turned into an ugly yellow. Your eyes were greeted by an empty and cold fridge. The only things left are a pitcher of water and a carton of expired orange juice.

You throw your head back and close your eyes. " You've got to be kidding me." 

You grunt as you prepare yourself to go grocery shopping, something that you've always dreaded to do. You've always hated going out, the only thing that saved you from that lifestyle was university. 

You roam around the aisles of the store, searching for items that you needed in order to bring your dead looking fridge back to life. A pack of chocolate pudding catches your attention and you raise your hand up to grab it. Problem is, your hand couldn't even reach the item. You tiptoe, trying your hardest to reach for it before someone takes it away. You feel your heart getting crushed as soon as you see a hand grab it. You turn around, only to see Hinata with a big grin on his face.

" Hinata!" He hands you the pack of chocolate pudding.  " I didn't expect to see you here, l/n-san." 

" Same. It's nice to see you here." you smile at him, you could basically see his face heat up because of the blush on his cheeks. Unlike Kenma tho, he doesn't try to hide it. 

" You too. I was actually looking around for my favorite Japanese snacks before I leave for Brazil." your mouth forms an o-shape.

" When are you leaving?" you ask him while looking interested.

" In a few days...." your eyes notice the basket of Japanese snacks and junk food in his basket and let out a chuckle.

" You seem to really like Pocky, Hinata." you giggle. Hinata attempts to hide the basket, afraid of embarrassing himself for buying strawberry flavored Pocky.

" They're for my sister!" he lies. You only laugh at the response and playfully pat him on the shoulder.

" So l/n-san. What are you doing here?" 

" Just grocery shopping. My fridge is basically empty at this point." you let out a sigh.

" Ohhh...Then, how is Kenma?" your face turns bitter after hearing Kenma's name.

" U-uhh.. He's fine I guess." you show him an awkward smile. 

" Man, he can be really intimidating sometimes." your face lit up, it was something you could agree with and you ended up chuckling at it.

" I know right?" 

"But you know... he's really kind." 

That's not how I recall when I met him. You joke to yourself. A question pops into your mind, something that you've been meaning to ask the two. 

" How'd you meet Kenma, Hinata?" his face lights up at the question. It seemed like to you, the two are really close. 

" It was when we had a training camp in Sendai, I was running up a hill and saw him quietly playing a game." 

" He went to Sendai?" you ask, it was surprising since Tokyo is about two hours away from the aforementioned city. 

" Yeah. Turns out our team was supposed to play a match against Kenma's team." you nodded along, finding the information very interesting.

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