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Warning: You guys know what's about to happen ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) The chapter is a bit long so prepare yourselves. <3

Kenma held your hand as he lead the way to his room. You trailed behind him, heart pounding heavily. Your stomach started to feel the butterflies again, knowing that you were about to do something erotic. Thoughts started to roam in your mind as well, not the usual ones but the panicked ones. Overthinking became the usual for you ever since you've moved in with your boyfriend. Your mind was too busy flowing with thoughts that you hadn't notice Kenma stopping in front of his room. The door had a ' do not disturb' sticker on it, the sticker was paired with a sleeping cat. Your lips curved upward, how fitting.

You anticipated each movement that Kenma did, from letting go of your hand to holding the doorknob. Each move, you couldn't help but feel more and more nervous. The door creaked open, showing a bright display of lights.

" Here." He turned around, raising his hand up for you to hold. You stared at it for a couple of seconds before taking his hand in yours. You gulped, not mentally prepared for what's about to happen.

" I've... never been in your room before." You mentioned as you entered the room. An aroma of sweet and strong men's perfume filled his room. Some walls were painted red and some were painted white. On the walls hung a few posters about games you were unfamiliar of. Your eyes gravitated towards his desk, there was a humidifier that changed colors. Probably where the sweet scent came from. The wall behind the desk had LED strip lights put on. His room very much looked like it was owned by a man, well it is.

" Kinda messy." He commented while pulling your hand towards him slowly.

" Messy?" You questioned. Messy wasn't the right word to describe Kenma's room, more like- organized. If your room is messy then my room is an abomination. Memories of your messy apartment resurfaced, causing you to cringe. Your eyes followed him as he sat on his bed. Kenma stretched his arms out, as if he was wanting a hug. You couldn't help but smile.

You were accepted in his arms after you sat down and hugged him. Hugging him made you feel more at ease and less tense, less wary of the situation.

" Kenma..." Your eyes began to tear up.

" Please don't do that again." You begged, talking about how he lied to you and caused you great pain. He tightened his hug as he heard your cries, feeling sorry for everything.

" I promise. I don't want to see you cry. You might get taken away from me." You carefully broke apart from the hug and looked at him.

" Taken away? Like child protective services?" You couldn't help but make a joke out of his reply. Kenma looked at you with a brow raised, his lips formed a slight curve.

" I sounded so sincere and you just had to ruin it." He joked back, he runs his fingers through his hair. Kenma's thumbs caressed your cheeks, wiping your tears away as well.

" You know...before you, I never knew how to express my emotions properly." Kenma admitted, you cupped his hand while you gazed at his golden eyes lovingly.

" Thinking about it, we were the polar opposite of each other. I told people how I felt and you stayed quiet about your feelings. " You teased, smiling from ear to ear at the thought.

" Yeah. Your honesty bothered me at some point." You rolled your eyes while chuckling.

" I'm not as honest as you think." You confessed the truth, there were times where you felt like you've strayed away from telling the truth and the emotions you've been feeling, just because it'd be embarrassing or awkward to say it out loud.

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