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The sound of Kuroo tapping his finger on his arm gets louder and louder each time. The two of you decided to hold the discussion right outside the supermarket where a bench was located. Kuroo lets out a sigh, getting impatient at you for not talking.

" Oi, I can't help you if you don't tell me anything you know." He glances over his shoulder to glare at you. You look away, you've always told Kuroo your problems but now, your situation seems too weird to even talk about it.

" I-it's too complicated." you complain, crossing your arms and sulking. You feel a flick on your head and you furrow your eyebrows at him. 

" From what I've experienced with you, everything seems to be complicated. Go ahead, just spit it out." He rolls his eyes, something you've never seen him do before.

You brace yourself by breathing in and out. " Alright Alright."  You were ready to tell the truth.

" You know how Kenma and I have gotten kind of closer?" 

" Uhuh." Kuroo nods his head, his eyes focused on you while making sure he's listening to every detail you're about to say.

" Well, the past few weeks he's been acting strange." you notice Kuroo's brow raising, indicating his confusion.

" I mean. Maybe it's just me or he's gotten.... milder." you look to the garden of flowers in front of you, recalling how different Kenma used to be two months ago. Kuroo furrows his eyebrows and tilts his head.

" Explain." 

" His attitude and his stare... it looked like he was going through something. But then he surprises me with a laugh, like. I've never, I mean NEVER saw him laugh. Ever."  Kuroo laughs at your response and you raise a brow at his unfitting reaction.

" Sounds to me like he's finally gotten used to you." You stare at Kuroo, looking for more explanation in his reply.

" Kenma's the type to keep everything in himself. He has trouble getting along with people. But now that you've shown him that he can trust you, he feels more comfortable. "

" But it does sound like he's much nicer to you than to me." He crosses his arms and stares at the flowers with a pissed off expression. You chuckle at Kuroo, you think that the two really are bestest of friends since they've known each other for a long time. Even longer than you've known Kuroo.

" So, what about you?" Your smile disappears as soon as he bends the topic to talk about you, something you've planned on avoiding to talk about. 

" Huh? Well, that's just about it." 

" Lies. Your face says more than your words." Your head quickly turns towards him. Your eyes widen at how on point Kuroo was at his observation. 

I forgot how observant he is. You think to yourself as you look away as you get mildly frustrated.

" f/n, you've always been an honest person. Always telling people what your opinions are and how you feel. But when you're lying, your face gives the whole thing away." 

" Fine, since when were you a detective?" 

" Nah, not even. You're just really too easy to read." You pout, maybe Kuroo was right. Since you've always told people how you felt, you find it hard to keep your feelings in. 

" So, when are you going to admit you like Kenma?" 

" Listen, I've been trying to deny that Okay. I am not in lo-"

You turn towards him, eyes widened and mouth wide open now that you've admitted it yourself. He grins at you, a smirk follows after as he raises a brow as if he had just won the argument. 

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