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Attempting to save yourself from the embarrassment, you try to close the door without letting out a word. Kenma stops you with his hand as he glares at you.

Eek, you shiver at his glare.

you cower in fear seeing Kenma's cat like eyes glare up front and inches away.

" S-sorry I only edit during business hours" you hide your self away from Kenma's eyes.

" and I only do favors while expecting something in return" even with his monotone voice, Kenma was able to say it with a frustrated tone, even when it doesn't sound like he is.

" Huh?" you show a third of your face through the door slit in order to face him.

" You know how much energy I spent delivering this thing?" he points at the small box below him, his eyes still remained on you while his face says that he's just about done with everything.

At last, you open the door once again in order to reach for the box. Kenma's eyes follow your every move as you took the box in your hands. It seemed light when you lifted it but when you shook the box to hear if there was something in it but no sounds were made. Which lead you to think that it had nothing inside it all along.

You use force to aggressively open the box. And as expected, there was indeed nothing in it. You took a second to breathe in and out before cursing Kuroo in your mind.

" I'm going to kill him" you hear Kenma threaten Kuroo underneath his breath. You used the opened box as shield and looked at him in fear, fear that he might kill you as well.

" Kill him, not me" you responded with your eyebrows up in concern. Kenma stands with his shoulders slouched and stares at you. Your eyebrows furrow at him, the awkward silence causes you to feel super weird.

" W-what?" you ask.

" I'm hungry" Kenma mutters under his voice but the surroundings were quiet enough for you to hear it.

" What?" you whisper to yourself.

" u-uh you can... come in I guess" you look away in embarrassment. Rest assured, you're definitely going to yell at Kuroo after this for playing too much.

Kenma shyly enters your half lit entrance, taking his shoes off carefully. You offer him some pudding which almost made you laugh as it reminded you too much of his hair.

" Please explain how that prankster convinced you to do this" you asked him while he takes a bite of the pudding you gave him. Kenma looked comfortable in his dark blue sweater, and as usual he had his hair up in a bun with a couple of strands in front of his face.

" I was in the middle of buying apple pie when he called me all of a sudden and said it was an emergency" Kenma explains in a calming, monotonic voice.

You face palm upon Kuroo's dumb actions and let out a sigh. You couldn't even get super mad at him since you realize he's doing both of you a favor.

" I'm sorry" you bow apologetically in front of him. You were sorry for Kuroo's behalf, in fact, Kenma should also be sorry for treating you that way.

Kenma lets out a sigh, carefully placing the emptied out container of the pudding on the table. He looks away while his face shows a light tint of pink. Is he embarrassed over something? you thought.

" I'm sorry as well" you hear him mumble but you couldn't quite understand.

" Pardon?" you leaned forward, attempting to hear his words clearer.

" I said I'm sorry for the other day" he continues to look away.

You show him a fake smile. Is this guy testing me? you don't look like you're sorry at all, mr.moody

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