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" Wait, what?" Your eyebrows frowned after hearing what Kuroo had said. On the side, Kenma closed his eyes and let out a silent sigh, disappointed and pissed at the fact that Kuroo couldn't keep his mouth shut. 

"Propose- uh, I was just asking Kenma if he had already proposed the new video idea to you. Y'know, his idea was that the three of us should film a video together." Quickly taking in the situation, Kuroo smiled awkwardly and chuckled along the beat of his heart. He was nervous for a quick second but once he thought that he had saved himself quite well, he smiled. You tilted your head and grinned, astonished at the idea. 

" Oh. Well then, I think that's a brilliant idea." You smiled at Kenma, who then stood straight and smiled back. Though the smile seemed nervous. Kuroo turned around and showed his back to you, he put his hands on his waist as you hear him let out a sigh. 

" Thank Goodness she's oblivious." He murmured. 

" What was that?" You leaned forward and raised a brow. Kenma looked at his best friend with pressed lips while his eyes said that he was just about done with the man. Kuroo turned around immediately. 

" Next week- I said we should film the video next week." 

" That sounds nothing  like what you've just said." You rolled your eyes and Kuroo, the nervousness in him coming back, smiled and just shook his head. 

" Does pregnancy affect your hearing? Must be cuz that is exactly what I said earlier." He chuckled and looked away. Your eyebrows furrowed at his change of attitude, earlier he was clearly dumbfounded and shock. Now he looked as if he had been caught doing something bad and is trying his best to get himself out of trouble. 

As soon as Kuroo sat himself down on the couch beside the bed you were resting on, the door that was framed shut opened once again. This time, it revealed a tall middle aged woman who's hair is darker than black. 

" Mama." Your eyes widened as soon as you saw her storm in the room, her heels clicked on the floor making each thumping noises match the beat of your heart. 

" F/n." She halted once she saw two men in the room and crossed her arms. Kuroo immediately stood up and bowed in respect, so did Kenma. 

" Which one is the father?" She asked, her eyes narrowed as she scanned both Kenma and Kuroo. A very intimidating aura reflected off her, even making you scared and nervous.

" Pardon?" You asked, confused at the question. Kuroo's brows pointed up as well while his mouth opened slightly in shock. He was in disbelief that your mother would think he was one of your lover. 

" M-mama you're looking at the wrong guy." You nervously stated when you saw her stare at Kuroo. He then nodded and smiled awkwardly. 

" Uhm. I'm Kuroo Tetsurou, I was the neighbor beside your house a long time ago." His voice shook, intimidated by the presence of your mother. Her face lit up and her lips formed a curve upwards, showing him a smile. 

" Ah! That annoying kid back then." 

" A-annoying?" Kuroo pointed at himself, the two broke out into laughter after a few seconds. 

" I'm joking with ya. You were the one who kept bugging f/n to play outside." She playfully slapped Kuroo's shoulders. 

" Ah, yes. It's nice to see you again." He stated and smiled at your mother, your mother did the same. After introducing herself to Kuroo, she noticed one man who stayed in one position and didn't come to her. She side-eyed Kenma and cleared his throat. As soon as he started taking steps forward towards Kenma, you began feeling nervous. 

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