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The morning sun shone through your semi-opaque window while the birds chirp and hum a song . You roll over, rubbing your eyes as you sit up, wondering where you were. Then your mind comes up with a sudden answer. 

" Crap. I forgot." your hand covers your eyes while your mind curses at you for forgetting the fact that you can't live the same way you lived when you were alone in your apartment anymore, which was sleep at three a.m and wake up fourteen hours later. As the clock reaches one p.m, you glance at the gadget to check the time.

" Great. Good job, f/n." while you had forgotten to wake up at an earlier time, Kenma had already made himself breakfast and lunch, which you were planning to do for the both of you if you had not woken up at one p.m. Throwing your blanket off of you, you stand up to stretch. 

You walk to the kitchen having washed your face and brushed your teeth. There you see Kenma sitting with a notebook out and a pencil in his hand. The sun beam from a window near the counter shines a soft beam of light on him. The scene looks as if it was straight out of a romance movie with the leading man moving in slow motion in the leading lady's eyes. But of course, you shake these cliched thoughts off your head. 

" G-good morning...." you shyly greet him. Kenma looks at you up and down discreetly, noticing your shorts and black fitting shirt, he looks away and clears his throat.

" It's the afternoon." He replies as he continues writing on his notebook.  

Oh, right. I'm a dumbass.

Your eyes gravitate towards a complete breakfast set, a bowl of rice, miso soup and a plate of rolled eggs sits on top of the table. Had he not eaten lunch yet?

" Uhm. Did you eat lunch already Kenma?" you ask. He looks at the food in front of him and turns his eyes to you.

" Yes. This is yours, I made you food." your eyes widen while he points his finger at the food in front of him. A shot of embarrassment fills your guilt ridden self. Did I tire him? Ah shit, I feel bad.

"Th-thank you..." you avert your eyes. Somehow, you wanted to make it up to him. Whether it be through making him breakfast, lunch and dinner tomorrow or working extra hard on editing, you just have to make it up to him. Kenma's spent all his time and effort on making you food and you didn't want to seem ungrateful. 

" but you didn't have to Kenma. I can make the both of us food from now on." you smile, even though it was a tough thing to do. A smile forms on his lips, expecting you'd say that.

" Okay.." You notice his hair kept up in a loose bun like he always did, a few strands of his hair stray in front of his face, making you want to put it behind his ear. You sat on the opposite side of him where the food was located. 

" Are you working on your schedule?" you start the conversation, taking a bite out of the rolled eggs he made. Surprisingly, it was so delicious that it made you almost want to hum a song in appreciation. But you didn't, of course.

" Yeah. I'm really busy this week." he replies, tilting his head at the said schedule. You take a gentle slurp of the Miso soup, another dish that was surprisingly well made. Kenma looks at you as if he wants to say something, he calculates things first before doing the task. 

" f/n... Why don't we do a feature together?" you almost choke on the liquid inside your mouth as you hear him spit out the crazy suggestion. You clear your throat, looking at him in disbelief.

" P-pardon?" you question, blinking your eyes a few times due to confusion. 

" I'm planning to introduce a series on Snipperclips. Don't worry it's only for one video, I'm planning to collaborate with more people."  he explains even further yet not one detail processes in your brain. 

Kodzuken ( readerxkenma)Where stories live. Discover now