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Turning and spinning yourself in circles, you check every details of your outfit. It was the next day after what seemed like a rollercoaster ride of emotions for you and today is the day you're going to find out if Hinata really does have feelings for you and if he does— you plan on rejecting him with the kindest way possible. The mere thought of the whole situation just makes your head pound. 

"Okay. Not too sexy, not too cute. Perfect for fall." You give your reflection a satisfied nod. At ten in the morning, you miraculously succeeded in waking up early to prepare and now, here you are- obsessing with what to wear as if you were going on a date. Not that you were that type of person, but simply because you liked to dress up and look pretty. 

You head out the room, tilting your head left and right in order to stretch it. Like yesterday, you see Kenma sitting in front of the table, this time with his laptop in front of him. You blush at his presence, you could actually feel yourself going crazy just because of how nervous you become when you're around him. Kenma raises his head to look at you, a slight curve forms on his lips.

" Y-you... you look cute." He compliments the attire. You become flustered but was still able to respond to him with a smile. The smile turns into a slight frown as you quickly realized the promise you made yourself yesterday. 

" Did you eat breakfast yet?" 

" It's lunch now, f/n. Do you live in a different time zone?" He teases. 

You roll your eyes and smirk at the cheeky response. " I know I have to work on my wake up schedule but it's not my fault I've been sleeping late." You raise a brow at him as you cross your arms. There is only one reason for why you've recently been falling asleep at four in the morning and one reason only, Kenma. You recall the confession like a vivid memory, straight out of a romance movie. The deadpan look on your face makes him think that you were trying to imply something. 

" Am I noisy?" He refers to the fact that he's been playing games until dawn. You chuckle and moved yourself near the table. " No. In fact, you are very quiet."

" So why have you been sleeping late?" He raises a brow, turning his head from the computer and looking at you respectively.

" Uhh....can't tell you." You feel your cheeks heat up and you look away in response.

" hmm.." he slightly raises a brow while his lips form a smirk. 

" I made you lunch." Hearing his reply, you face palm. You couldn't believe you've already forgotten your promise yesterday. 

" Sorry..." you show an awkward smile, embarrassed at the fact that you made a promise yet you failed to do it. " It's fine. You seemed busy anyways." You let out a sigh at his reply.

" But you're busy too..." your eyebrows raise in concern. 

" f/n, It's fine. I'm used to waking up early and cook for myself." You sat down, lowering your head in shame. Kenma lets out a sigh, thinking that you're pushing yourself too much. 

" What time?"


" What time are you meeting up with Shōyō?" You sat straight up, unprepared at the sudden question he asked. 

" Twelve..." you reply. The clock on the wall said quarter to twelve and you let out a sigh.  Looking at Kenma, a question popped in your mind. It's true that he's confessed to you and has told you he liked you, but you realized he never really asked you out. You think of the word 'label' and how you and Kenma's relationship don't have one. The thought makes you feel flustered and you quickly stand up, causing Kenma to flinch. 

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