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O n e  W e e k  l a t e r 

" See you later." Kenma embraced you in a hug as he prepares to leave for work, he was suited up in a black blazer and dark blue pants, he definitely looked like the CEO of a famous company. Seeing him around the house with a comfy sweater, you've forgotten that the man in front of you is also a Chief Executive Officer of a big brand. You wrapped your arms and rested your chin on his shoulder. 

" Yeah. By the way, did you get a new secretary?" You asked as the hug broke apart. He looked away, still uncomfortable about the topic, you figured he was. 

" Yeah. His name is Yamamoto Aito, we're almost the same age." He replied, adjusting the dark blue neck tie that wrapped around his neck. 

His, huh. For him to hire a man this time definitely says something, maybe Kenma was reluctant again. He had lost his secretary of three years, and it probably took some time for him to trust Mitsuhide. Now, he had lost that trust. 

" That's good." You smiled slightly. You noticed his hair growing longer, the yellow tips on the ends of his hair were almost fading. 

" Your hair has gotten longer." You smiled as you held a few strands of Kenma's hair. His eyes turned towards it. 

" Maybe I should cut it." 

" Nopee." You childishly replied and he looked at you with a confused expression. 

" I love your long hair." You complimented him as you tried to fix the few strands of hair that strayed in front of his face. 

" How long do you want my hair to be? Like that Disney princess? Rapunzel was it?" He joked while smiling slightly. You rolled your eyes and playfully smacked him on the arm. 

" Yeah keep going and you're going to be late." You pinched his nose and giggled. Kenma chuckled at how adorable you were. All of a sudden, Kenma placed a light kiss on your forehead. 

" Okay. I'll get going now." He declared, ruffling up your hair in the process. As he stepped outside the house you immediately remembered something.  You ran outside, hoping that Kenma would still be there. 

" Kenma!" You called out, he was just about to get inside his car when he heard your voice. He lifted his head to look at you. 

" I...."

" I want to play Dragon Quest XI!" You cupped your hands in front of your mouth to make your voice louder. Kenma took a moment to think, his hand fidgeted while it held the steering wheel. 

" Okay." He replied. 

" Can I play on your account?" You intertwined your hands together. As silly as it sounds, you showed Kenma your best attempt at the infamous puppy eyes. Your attempt didn't seem to work though,  as his eyebrows only furrowed at your request. It's hard and frustrating for a gamer to lose all his saved files or a game, but it's even harder for Kenma to say no to you. 

" F-fine. I'll let you play since it's you." He let out a sigh. Not even Kuroo can play on Kenma's account or even play Dragon Quest, it's Kenma's beloved game after all.  You celebrated by giving him a bright smile and sending your boyfriend a flying kiss before you went inside. As soon as you went back in,  Kenma smiled at your silliness as he shook his head in disbelief. 


Three hours of being stuck at home filled you up with boredom. You've done everything that you could in the house, though you still had to ask for permission from your boyfriend. You craving for something sweet made you decide to go to your favorite cafe. 

You got in your car while dialing up your best friend's phone number. 

" Hello this is Resident Services. How may I help you?" You furrowed your brows while grinning at Kuroo's odd greeting.

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