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A good ten minutes passed and your tears still wouldn't stop flowing. You thought you were over Yujii, you thought you could cut her off for good and you thought you wouldn't let her words affect you anymore. Now it's gotten worse, now you've frustrated Kenma because of your greediness. After thinking and thinking, you've realized you were just a stranger to Kenma. Compared to Mitsuhide, who has worked with him for three years, you knew Kenma only on a surface level. The doorbell rung and your head raised up at the sound. 

You walked timidly towards the door while wiping your tears and fixing yourself. The door opened just as you were about to hold its doorknob. 

" What- What the heck, f/n. Lock the doors for goodness sake some burglar is gonna get in you..... know...." Kuroo showed up in a black leather jacket and red shirt. His expression dropped down once he saw you standing in front of the entrance with your nose and eyes reddened. 

" I forgot..." you sobbed. You didn't know you were going to act like a crybaby once you've started shedding tears as you've only done it a few times. Most of them were only a couple of drops of tears and no more than that.  He slowly walked closer and a worried expression was painted on his face. 

" Hey... what happened?" He bends down to look at you because of your short height. Kuroo being a 6'2 man didn't help and the fact that you were only a few inches shorter than Kenma didn't help either. You looked at his eyes and breathed in and out. 

" We just had an argument." you replied, wiping your tears for the last time. He let out a sigh, there was only one person who would affect you this way and Kuroo knew him. He placed his hand on your shoulder and pushed you closer towards him, enveloping you in a hug. 

" Well, I got time so tell me everything that happened." you can feel the vibrations of his voice through his chest. The feeling of warmth and comfort fills you up. The two of you agreed to talk in the living room, you had offered to do it in your room but Kuroo bluntly disagreed saying something along the lines of ' I'm a gentleman' . You sat beside him on the white couch while you lean your elbows on your knees. 

" So.... did Kenma say something insensitive again?" He crossed his arms while positioning himself to properly look at you, his back leaned against the arm of the couch. 

" N-not really..." you replied softly. The question made you think, were you the one who was insensitive after all? Kenma sounded stressed and maybe you added to his stress after asking such questions. 

" He rarely speaks up his opinions and when he does he's really blunt about it. " you nodded your head, taking in the information. See, the problem wasn't Kenma, you thought. It's me.

Explaining everything to Kuroo seems like a energy draining task as a lot of things had already happened even before you and Kenma started dating. But first off, does Kuroo even know the two of you have already been dating. 

" He's not the problem.... I'm sure I'm the one who was insensitive." Kuroo sat straight, your reply piqued his interest. 

" Kenma's trying to be a good boyfriend. I can sense it-"

"Wait what?" your eyes turned towards him, eyebrows furrowed at his sudden question. 

" We-we're dating...." you looked away in embarrassment. Kuroo didn't reply, he only stared at you, still processing the information in his mind. 

" What?!" the sudden reaction caused you to flinch.  

" He... did he not tell you?" you asked. He raised his hand to cover his forehead, face-palming at what he had just heard. 

"Wait wait... so.. who confessed first?" you felt your cheeks flush and warm up. 

" K-Kenma...."

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