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" Can I kiss you?" your eyes widened. It took you a while to reply, your mind buffers even before you could respond. Kenma hesitates, he waits for you to reply. To him, silence isn't a form of consent. 

" Yeah.." you said, lowering  your head in awkwardness. He places his fingers on your chin, slowly lifting it up to prepare for the kiss. With your hand on his chest, you slowly closed your eyes. Your heart beats incredibly fast even before Kenma presses his lips on yours. Just as the distance between the both of your faces begin to get closer and closer, the sound of the doorbell rung. It was loud enough to make the two of you flinch. The fact that you were leaning against the door didn't help either, it was almost deafening. Kenma looked as if he was about to get pissed, his eyebrows furrowed at the sudden sound.

" Kozume-san, It's me Mitsuhide." He turned his eyes towards yours, an apologetic look is painted on his face. 

" I was starting to get concerned since you've cancelled a lot of meetings this week. Do you mind if I come in?" 

He let out a disappointed sigh while he unwraps his arm around your waist. " It's my secretary. You should go get rest, I'll handle this." he said. You nodded your head slowly, wondering if there was something wrong that his secretary had to visit him. After you've entered your room, you get changed and dressed yourself into a more comfortable outfit. 

Maybe I should make them tea or something. The idea drifted in your head while you were changing your clothes. You tip-toed your way into the kitchen, making sure that you don't become a distraction to the two. While on your way there you see a tall, pale and black-haired woman. A black pencil skirt wraps around her hourglass figure, her white floral laced long-sleeved shirt is tucked underneath the said skirt. You raised a brow, she reminded you of how you used to dress when you worked for your previous boss. 

" I apologize for dropping by so suddenly." she said. You continued your way to the kitchen and prepared some tea for the both of them. The living room was close enough to the kitchen to hear their voices, leaving you no choice but to eavesdrop to the conversation. 

" It's fine. You said you were going to drop off some files?" Kenma's uninterested voice made you take a peek at the two, he was sitting on the couch with his arms crossed and sat opposite to the pretty lady, who was sitting straight with her hands on her thighs. 

" Ah, yes. I've already printed the sales report you've requested." she looked at Kenma with a flirty smile, her hands flow almost gracefully as if she was doing some sort of ritual to seduce him while handing him a folder. You chuckle, continuing with what you were doing. The tea making seemed to have gathered all your attention because you didn't bother listening to the conversation anymore. As soon as you were done with making two cups of green tea, you placed them on top of a tray. You carried the tray carefully all the way to the living room where Kenma and the lady was but you were surprised to see an empty spot on the couch in front of her. 

" Uh... I made tea for you and Kenma." you smiled. Her eyes were focused on a file of papers. She shot a glare at you. 

" And, you are?" she questioned, a mocking tone made it seem like your presence had disturbed her peaceful reading. 

" I am..." you began to think. Kenma still haven't asked you out yet so it'd be shameful to introduce yourself as his girlfriend. 

" I am l/n f/n..." you awkwardly smiled, putting the tray down on the glass table. Putting more furniture in the living room was a good idea on Kenma's part, that way, the living room actually seemed like it's name and not just a room that had been robbed by thieves. 

" Nice to meet you, f/n." she smiled. Her smile seemed fake though, and you were smart enough to sense it. Having worked for a boss who focused too much on acting like a classy woman even though she wasn't, sensing a fake smile was one of its perks.  

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