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" Come in..." you held your breath once you saw Kenma slowly open the door. You felt your heart begin to pound mercilessly after you see him standing in front of you. 

" H-hey...." You greeted and looked away. Kenma took a step forward, you took a step back. The scenario reminded you of the day he confessed to you, and the thought made your heart beat even faster. 

Kenma bit his lip while looking away. An awkward silence suddenly filled the room. 

" I'm.... sorry for how I acted last night." Your eyebrows furrowed in concern. His comment almost made you let out your tears, you felt like you were the one who did wrong but It's Kenma who's apologizing in front of you right now. You clenched your fist. 

" N-no.... I'm sorry.." His head slowly shot up and he looked at you with a concerned face after seeing your pained expression. 

" I was the selfish one. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have spoken like that." Your tears began to flow out, this time you didn't even bother to suppress them. You wiped each tear with your hand and Kenma carefully walked closer towards you. 

" I was jealous. I was scared." He continued to listen to your words, just like Kuroo said. 

" I was scared that Mitsuhide-san might take you away from me." Although his eyebrows furrowed at your response, he chose to listen to your explanation instead of denying what you've been trying to say. 

" Because she told me... her friend told me... that she liked you." You lowered your head down and tightened your fist. The tears fell down your eyes and droplets fell on the cold floor. Kenma let out a light gasp and quickly took you in his arms. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders.

" I'm... listening.." His soft and quiet voice said. You let out a sob after hearing such comforting words from him. That was all you needed, for him to listen to your side.

" I was scared she might do something...." 

" Don't worry... nothing happened." You smiled in relief and hugged him back. 

" I was scared that you'd leave me..."

" Do you find me annoying Kenma?" You questioned, tightening your wrap around him. You feel his hand over your head as he ruffled your hair. 

" I would never find you annoying."  He reassured you and you let out a chuckle and drowned yourself in his warmth. 

" Okay..." 

" We're both at fault." You feel the vibrations of his voice in his chest. You nodded your head in agreement. 

" We should let each other explain. I don't want to argue with you. You're scary when you're mad." You suggested, the suggestion would probably save the two of you from arguing. You hated arguments since it reminded you of your parents and you definitely don't want to argue with Kenma anymore. Kenma chuckled and you feel him move his arms. His arms move towards your waist as he wraps his arms around it. Silence fills the room, it was the type that comforted you. 

Kenma gently pushed you away from the hug and lifted your chin with his hand. The two of you shared deep eye contact, your eyes were drowning in his golden orbs. You closed yours when you suddenly felt his lips on top of your lips. He pulls away and gazes in your eyes, you did the same. His lips touched yours one more time but this time it wasn't just a light kiss on the lips. Your lips parted for a second, then touched his again. You feel his warm hand behind your neck as he gently supported your head. 

He broke apart and stared lovingly at you. A gentle smile formed on his face, the smile that made you fall in love with him. 

" I'm sorry." He said. You shook your head and placed your hands on his chest. 

" I accept your apology." You smiled at him from ear to ear. 

" You must be feeling tired." Kenma nodded his head in response as he looked away shyly, his face tinted with red. 

" Then you should rest." You smiled and turned around to walk towards your bed but you feel Knema's hand on your arm. You turned back around to look at him. 

" Your bed is more comfortable......"

" For some reason..." You felt your cheeks heat up and you averted his gaze in embarrassment. 

" Okay... then you should rest on my bed." You smiled, your heart began to pound and you think it could jump out of your body at this point. Kenma nodded his head and sat on top of your bed, ha patted his hand on the space next to him, signalling you to sit down. You did as he requested, he looks at you with a loving gaze. Kenma has been acting sweet ever since you've apologized to each other, and you definitely don't mind it. 

" Raise your arms up." You raised an eyebrow at his odd request and chuckled in disbelief. 

" Sorry what?" He stared at you with patience. You hesitantly raised your arms up like he said and gasped in shock when he wrapped his arms around your chest, causing you to land on your back with Kenma tightly hugging while on top of you. You laughed and playfully smacked his back. 

" Recharging Energy." You mimicked Kenma's adorable joke and ruffled his hair. You hear him laugh softly while you feel his hot breath on your skin. 

" I'm already at a hundred percent." 

" Aww that sucks." You pouted and chuckled at his response. 

" But I'm about to make it up to two hundred." You raised a brow at his reply but before you could respond you already feel his lips on top of yours again. You let out a gasp once you felt his tongue entering your mouth. You let him dominate, you taste something sweet while he kisses you deeply.  At this point, your heart began to beat faster than ever. You could also hear his own heartbeat, causing you to feel delight. It wasn't just you who's nervous after all. Kenma's hand moved around your skin freely, the touch caused you to feel a chill down your spine. 

As the two of you break apart from the kiss, your breathing becomes heavier as you gasp for air. You looked away, knowing fully well that you look like a red tomato in front of him. Kenma does the same. 

" R-r-r-rest. I thought you were going to rest...." You become flustered and tried your best avoiding his gaze. 

" Ten more minutes." Your head jolted towards him and you looked at him with a confused expression. You mean..... kiss for ten more minutes? The thought almost made you yell in shock. 

Kenma smiled teasingly as he slithers his hand from your thighs to your stomach. 

" Wh-what...." You covered your face, a feeling of pleasure shot through you, you didn't expect him to do that at all. You let out a tiny moan in pleasure when you feel his warm hand sliding under your shirt. 

" K-kenma..... Seriously.." You looked away. His hand gets closer and closer to your breasts. He leans forward, his lips almost touching your ear. 

" Just kidding." He smirked and immediately removed his hand from your shirt. You gasped and looked at him with an annoyed expression.  While Kenma just adjusted himself and closed his eyes, pretending to sleep. 

" H-how dare you..." You joked and slapped him playfully. He smiled innocently while still closing his eyes. 

"At least finish what you started" you mumbled as you turned around, facing the opposite direction. 

" Next time." Your eyes widened after quickly realizing he might have heard what you said. And he did. His reply made your cheeks flush and you hurriedly tried to make yourself fall asleep. 

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