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F o u r  m o n t h s  l a t e r 

" You ready?" Kenma turned his head and looked at you with one eyebrow raised. The two of you were preparing things for the first ever professional tournament of Hinata Shoyou. Kenma stated that he was a part of a division one team called MYSBY Black Jackals, a rather long name. Though you were still confused about the rules of volleyball, you didn't want your lack of knowledge in the sport to prevent you from supporting your close friend. 

You placed the last item in your bag and turned around with a smile. " Yep." Kenma nodded his head and showed you a close-lipped smile, his eyes said he was beyond excited as it was almost sparkling with light. 

" How are you feeling? You don't have a head ache or anything?" He questioned, coming closer and gently caressing your stomach. You shook your head and embraced him in your arms. 

" I might have a headache with Kuroo and his new girlfriend around." You joked, though only part of it was true. Kuroo's new girlfriend was rather the charming but loud and boisterous one. Talking to her entertains you but usually the conversation lasts longer than an hour, you don't have any problem with her though, she's really kind which is a bonus for you. 

" Yeah me too. Watch, she's going to talk the whole game." he teased as he shook his head, a slightly annoyed look was painted on his face. You chuckled at the joke and shook your head as well. 

" She's going to be our commentator." You laughed and he laughed as well. Kenma stopped for a brief moment, a relieved smile was on his face. 

" Well, there's nothing we can do about it. Kuroo seems happy." You nodded your head and agreement and pursed your lips. It's true that Kuroo seemed happier when she's around, though the two together are like never ending chatter boxes. It was always you and Kenma who listened and nodded along to their crazy stories. 

Kenma's eyes turned towards your belly, he noticed it getting bigger and bigger every month. " I wonder which game the baby's going to prefer." 

" Hmm maybe we should ask it when he comes out, yeah?" You teased and rolled your eyes. Ever since that day on the hospital, Kenma has been shoving different types of games in front of your stomach. He talks about it like some reviewer hoping that the baby turns out to be a gamer as well. The only thing you could do is laugh and smile as he does it. He flips his wrist to check his watch, realizing that it was time for the two of you to head out, his eyebrows raise slightly in panic. 

" We should go." He declared, causing you to immediately grab your bag. The two of you drove all the way to the stadium, an hour ride away from your home. While on the way there, Kuroo called and told you he and his girlfriend would be waiting at the parking lot, it was no surprise to you that you'd hear her voice through the phone even when she's not the one speaking. 

As Kenma slowly drives through the parking lot, he sees a brand new car that was painted bright red, he immediately assumed it was Hanabi's. The tall, spike-haired man, leaned against the red car with his girlfriend. Kenma parked the car right next to them. The two of you got out of the vehicle to greet the two and as usual, Hanabi greets the two of you with an excited hug. 

" I've missed you already, f/n-san!" She hugged you tightly and you catch a whiff of her strong perfume scent. 

" We just met up two days ago." You chuckled and rolled your eyes. You notice the two men greeting each other in their own way, a more laid back way. 

" How's the soon-to-be mother?" Kuroo teased, the smug look on his face was prominent. You gently slapped him on the arm and laughed. 

You and Hanabi walked forward in front of the two men. Kenma and Kuroo walked slowly at the back, something you didn't notice at all. The best friend leaned a little towards Kenma and kept a wary eye at you. 

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