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The birds chirp and they hum tunes while the sun rises brightly in the new morning of a Saturday. Your phone gets a notification and you were surprised to see Kenma's video uploaded so early. You remember the shock you felt while editing the video when you see the thumbnail of Kuroo and Kenma playing together. 

The two seemed comfortable on camera however you notice Kenma talking and smiling less. Which makes you think that something must've happened to him that not even Kuroo is aware of. The black haired enthusiastic guy keeps the video entertaining but the loyal Kodzuken fans would probably notice Kenma's change of behavior.

You scroll down to the comments section and as expected, the eagle eyed fans have already made theories and possibilities as to why their favorite gamer was acting that way. You read some of them out loud.

" Did Kenma forget to eat breakfast or something?" the comment ended with a laughing emoji, you laughed out loud. It seemed like that was what happened and you can't help but laugh at the visual of how grouchy he becomes when skipping breakfast. A few more comments were of the same topic, you start to think it was an inside joke between the fandom. However, one comment caught your attention.

"Anyone feel like that scandal still bothers him?" you become serious after reading the comment out loud. 


You raise a brow in confusion. To you, Kenma seemed like the type to get into one so it was kind of not a big shock but something felt wrong inside you for thinking that way and you don't know why. The replies under the comment vaguely explained the original comment, not helping your situation at all.

" Totally, I feel like something happened. He's not really talking a lot. My boy Kuroo came in clutch tho, he kind of saved the whole video tbh." your mind falls into more confusion. 

You were not the curious type and searching up about it would probably have a negative impact once you meet up with him. As the talkative and nosy one, you'd probably cross a line you were never meant to cross by accidentally bringing it up. In the end, you shrugged it off and decided to forget about it. 


You decided to go to the mall nearest to you since you wanted to go shopping since it's one of your favorite hobbies. A cute skirt catches your attention and you leaned forward to take a closer look at it until you see Kuroo walking around with Yujii, the friend who ditched and ghosted you. Your eyes widen in shock, you didn't expect to see your friend after getting no replies from her and what's most shocking is that she's walking with Kuroo with arms clasped to each other.

Hurt by what your best friend did, you quickly turned around to avoid her from seeing you yet it was too late. Kuroo yells out your name with a smile on his face. Hesitantly, you turn around while avoiding to look at the two. You walk closer towards him.

" Hey, Tetsurou." your lips form an awkward smile, your eyes glance towards Yujii who had a disgusted look on her face. 

" You guys.. know each other Kuroo? She called you by your first name." she looks up at him, her expression suddenly changes and now, she has an innocent look while talking to him. Kuroo nods in agreement.

" Yeah. We've known each other since we were little" you can feel Yujii's glare, it feels intoxicating and it seems like she's going to kill you any minute. 

" How about you? do you guys know each other?" Kuroo asks, pointing at the two of you. Yujii shakes her head and looks at Kuroo innocently. You furrow your eyebrows, your best friend of six years had denied your existence in front of your friend and it caused your heart to sting. 

" What are you doing here,f/n?" Kuroo asks.

" Uh. J-just going shopping. " you look away. Kuroo notices your tensed expression and places a hand on your shoulder, he faces you with a concerned look. 

" what's up with you? you look like you've seen a ghost or something." Kuroo expected a sassy clap back or an angered expression from you but you responded to him with an awkward chuckle. You gain the courage to begin a conversation with Yujii, who was rolling her eyes at the exchange between you and Kuroo.

" So..... You two are dating each other?" you ask Kuroo with a polite smile. Yujii raises a brow and smirks. 

"No but Kuroo has been asking me out a lot, I mean it would be better if we were though." Yujii lets out one of her fake laughs, you furrow your eyebrows at her weird change of attitude. Kuroo on the other hand places a hand on his neck and shyly looks away. 

" Don't tell Kenma about this okay! " you stare at him in confusion, not knowing what he means. You let out a sigh after realizing that you wouldn't be able to tell him anything anyways. 

" I won't. It's none of my business anyways. " Kuroo takes notice of your rather cold and distant attitude, he begins to imply there was something going on between you two.

" Did Kenma do something?" he asks, as if he had already expected it. You smirk and glare at Kuroo.

" Not really. I guess I was right about him all along. I'll never understand that guy." you smile sadly. There are thoughts in your head telling you that you're just making a big deal out of it and people just have those days when they don't feel like it but having experienced the same thing from all of your bosses from your previous jobs you were getting too tired of it. 

Kuroo's lips form a frown. " You can tell me about it." Yujii's head turns towards him in disbelief.

" Kuroo, didn't you promise me you were going to spend time with me today?" she pouts, you think it's very unlike Yujii to act cutesy in front of a guy but here she is now doing it in front of your childhood friend. One thing for sure, Yujii is not the same girl anymore. 

" Yeah, uhm I will don't worry." Kuroo reassures the girl. " Okay then, why don't you wait outside for me?" 

Yujii crosses her arms and looks at you as if she was looking down on you. 

Kuroo lets out a sigh. " Alright. f/n, i'll call you about it." he pats your shoulder before he takes the exit. 

" What are you trying to do, f/n?" she raises a brow. You let out a sigh, thinking that the two of you would probably get in another fight. 

" Nothing. You can leave now, Kuroo doesn't like waiting." you try to walk past her but stops you. 

" If you think you can snatch him away from me then I won't let you." her dark brown eyes glare at yours, you roll your eyes in response. 

" Who the hell said I was trying to snatch him away from you? he's my close friend, Yujii." your friend chuckles, taking your comment as a joke.

" Good. Both of you should stay that way. He's mine." you furrow your eyebrows in disbelief, you couldn't believe what this girl was saying in front of you.

" Stop it Yujii. You're not the same person I met in high school anymore." you plead, asking her to at least come back to her senses.

" who's fault was it? it was yours, so don't go blaming it on me." She pushes you back with her fingers. 

" You always cause problems to the people you meet, I think you should open your eyes and learn to stay away from all of us." and with that, she leaves the store, she doesn't forget to brush her shoulders against yours aggressively, pushing you back one more time.

You were left there alone, once again. Your eyes start to get teary after replaying what she said. 

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