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You giggled as you watch Kenma's recent video, it's been a week since your argument with him and your relationship has gotten much better, eerily better. It didn't take much time for you and him to get more comfortable with each other. Kenma peered his eyes towards you, wondering why you've been laughing out loud while on your phone. 

" Are you.... watching my videos?" He asked, an embarrassed look was painted on his face. You turned your head around to look at him. 

" Yep. I like your new series." You grinned. He cleared his throat and walked towards you sitting on the couch. Once he landed next to you, he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and looked at your phone as well. 

" You're turning into a Kodzuken fan." Kenma smirked, a proud smile then appeared on his face.  You snickered and looked at him. 

" Actually, I'm a big fan of my editing not you." You joked, smirking along. Kenma nodded his head and licked his lips. His smug expression caused you to almost smile because of how hot he looked. 

" I see how it is." You raised a brow at his reply.  All of a sudden, Kenma snatched the phone and raised his arm up so you wouldn't be able to reach it. You grunted and glared at him. 

" This is such a romance drama move." You rolled your eyes and attempted to snatch your phone back but he leaned back instead. He grinned and looked at you with teasing eyes. This is not Kenma. You thought. Well, it is indeed true. Kenma has gotten more mischievous and naughty lately. Ever since that day, he'd always find sneaky ways to tease you, which is very unusual for a guy who was laid back and looked like he didn't care about anything. 

You knelt on the couch to reach higher but he ended up leaning further back causing you to fall on top of him. He chuckled and caught you in his arms. Your eyes widened and your heart began to beat nervously. 

" Here you go." You turned your head to the side and saw Kenma's hand with your phone. 

" Uh. Thanks." You cleared your throat and began to pull away but he pushed you back towards his chest. 

" What is going on." You asked yourself, even you don't understand what's going on either. 

"Dunno." His voice turned husky. You let out a small gasp when you felt his hand roaming on your back. Ah shit, I fell into his trap.

He slipped his hand under your shirt and you feel his cold hand on your bare skin. The touch sent you pleasure, causing you to close your eyes. 

" I-if you're doing what I think you're doing stop it." You glared at him but he only responded with an innocent smile. His hand explored your back, leaving a shiver down your spine. You let out a nervous sigh once you felt his hand nearing the clasp of your bra. 

" I will kill you." You threatened though that usually never works anyways. You closed your eyes when you heard the sound of your bra unclasping, preparing yourself for what's about to happen. 

" Yes. Did it with one hand." He removed his cold hand from under your shirt and smiled proudly. You furrowed your eyebrows. 

" Excuse me?" You pulled away, covering your chest area with your arm. Kenma stood up from the couch and looked at you. 

" Was just practicing, sorry." Your mouth opened in disbelief. You couldn't believe how mischievous he has gotten.  He laughed at your dumbfounded expression and messed your hair by patting it. 

" Oh. We should go get groceries. The fridge is empty." With that Kenma walked away and went ahead to the kitchen. You were left there in serious shock while your heart began to calm itself down. 

" He's going to kill me one day." You facepalmed and let out a sigh. 

The two of you were driving to the grocery store. You crossed your arms and looked outside the window. Kenma, who was driving, looked at you out of concern. 

" Are you mad?" He asked. His hand landed on your thigh and you immediately looked at him in shock. 

" N-no..." You replied, your cheeks were seriously red and you attempted to hide it by looking away. You furrowed your eyebrows at the sudden realization, was Kenma the touchy kind of person?

Arriving at the grocery store, the two of you set out to do the deed and well, shop for groceries. You shopped for an hour, which was surprising considering Kenma hated being outside for more than an hour. When you two arrived at the check out, you noticed one thing missing. 

" Oh. I forgot to get something. I'll go get it okay?" You smiled at him, Kenma looked at you like he was beginning to panic. 

" W-where are you going?" He asked. You chuckled at his adorable response and slapped him on the arm playfully. 

" To the ramen aisle. I'll be back don't worry." He nervously nodded. His reaction reminded you of how children get nervous at the check out when their parents leave them. It was seriously adorable, you thought. 

You walked towards your destination and hurriedly chose the things you needed. A few steps outside the aisle and you suddenly bumped into a person. You looked up to see who it was and your eyes widened when you saw the face. It was Mitsuhide. She had the same shocked reaction as well. 

" L-l/n-san." She called out with her silvery voice. Memories of you clashing with Yujii resurfaced and your expression turned bitter immediately. 

" Mitsuhide-san..." You looked away. 

" I didn't expect to see you here." She said, pulling her items closer to her chest. You rolled your eyes at her. It was clear to you that she was putting this innocent act and you hated it. 

" Yeah. Me too." You were about to walk past her but Mitsuhide stopped you with her hand on your arm. 

" I-I'm sorry about Yujii." She apologized, her eyes speaking the truth. You raised a brow at her.

" Sorry? Weren't you the one who told her my address?" You addressed. Mitsuhide looked away, admitting the truth. 

" Yes. She asked me a week before the trip. I didn't expect her to go to Kozume-san's house and talk to you." You tilted your head in confusion. 

" I'm really sorry about what happened." She apologized one more time and bowed. You let out a gasp at her reaction. 

" O-okay I get it." You chuckled nervously. She stood straight up and looked at you with a pleading expression. 

" Can we talk about something?" She asked. You immediately shook your head. 

" I'm sorry but I'm in a hurry." 

" Th-then I'll wait for you until you finish." You furrowed your eyebrows. Her eyes were panicking, as if she has done something very wrong. 

" I'm sorry Mitsuhide-san but-"

"Please.... It's been hunting me since that day." 

" What are you talking about?" Your patience was beginning to deteriorate, you noticed her legs shaking. 

" Mitsuhide-san.... are you alright?" She looked away then looked back at you. Tears fell from eyes and her lips were quivering with guilt. 

" K-kozume-san....." You stared directly in her eyes, listening intently to her. She pursed her lips before saying anything else, as if what she was about to say would kill her. 

" He and I kissed." 

a/n: I am so sorry for the late update >_<  I wish I could just delete google classroom off  the appstore because I really DON'T want to deal with school work. Anyways, I will be updating another chapter soon so stay tuned for that 


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