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" f/n-chan." You looked up to see Kenma, you were trying to arrange his desk in the studio while he was preparing to make a new video. You smiled, it took a while for you to get used to Kenma call your name with an endearing honorific and you can't help but smile each time he does.

" What is it?" You replied, pausing from arranging the file of notebooks in his cabinet and walked towards him. He clicked the mouse one last time before turning his head to look at you.

"Let's film a video together." Your eyebrows raised in shock. The last time you had filmed a video together was many months ago, before you and Kenma even began dating.

" Huh? Why now all of a sudden?" You questioned, standing next to your boyfriend.

" My subscribers have been asking me to film another video with you. Every time I upload a new one, I get bombarded with comments about you." He moved his head  to the side to look at you, his lips curved up and formed a smile. You hesitated about the suggestion, you were concerned about why they wanted to see you in the first place.

" So? What do you think? I won't force you if you don't want to," said Kenma. You stared at his golden, cat like eyes for a while. The glare of the computer screens made his eyes appear to be in a different color.

" Hmm. Sure. I'll do it," You nodded your head and smiled warmly at him.  " I have to fix myself then." You chuckled as you tried to fix your hair, looking like a zombie is the biggest thing you do not want to do when filming a video with Kenma.

" You already look pretty." He complimented with a straight face. Your cheeks heated up at the random compliment, and it blushed as well.

" Th-thank you..." You shyly looked away. You were always the one to shower Kenma with compliments so when he does it, your heart tends to skip a beat and you become flustered. He takes notice of your adorable reaction and continued to stare at you, his lips formed a smirk. The stare was intense enough for you to feel super flustered.

" I-I'm going to my room to prepare." You immediately looked away and left. He chuckled as you closed the door, shaking his head while smiling in the process. A few minutes later, Kenma reached for the phone that sat beside his keyboard and dialed his best friend's number.

" Yo." Kuroo greeted, his voice sounded like he was overly excited about something.

" I'm gonna do it." Kenma replied, leaving Kuroo confused.

" Wait what's the context behind that." He joked as his mind went to an entirely different place, the gutter.

" Remember the conversation we had yesterday? About f/n?" Kenma replied, smiling as he typed a few words on his keyboard.

" Ohhh." Kuro responded and chuckled right after.

" Which part though? The part about filming a video together or the part about pro-"

" Kenma. I'm ready." You abruptly entered your boyfriend's studio. He ended the call in one quick motion before you could even see that he was having a phone call with Kuroo. Kenma looked at you, wide-eyed in shock. He quickly regrouped himself and cleared his throat. A look of annoyance was painted on his face and you furrowed your eyebrows after seeing him.

" What's wrong?" You asked while walking towards him.

" Nothing. I just had a call with Kuroo." His fingers quickly typed up something, avoiding your gaze. You narrowed your eyes because of the vagueness in his response but knowing Kenma, pressing him about these things wouldn't work.

" Okay then. By the way, what game are we playing?" You asked as he grabbed another gaming chair and placed it beside his.

" Something random. A surprise is fun sometimes." He replied.

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