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" Full of problems" is what Yujii told you that time, you remember her say it after entering your home at last. You immediately launched yourself on your bed, hurt and exhausted after what has been said to you by Yujii.

Your mind drifts away from the present as you start to recall your past. You remember locking yourself up in your room while your parents have their usual round of arguing with each other. You could hear the insults and curse words both parent throws at each other, completely forgetting that they had a six year old child in the same house. Even though it should be something you were supposed to cry for, you were already used to it.

You spent your time on the television watching anime and even laughing to it as your parents excessively yell at each other. By the time you were fifteen in 2012, you developed your skill of video editing, all while hearing your parents argue of course. They argued about something almost every day and when they wouldn't, they'd find something to argue about. You've already had a cinch that they'll probably end it off one day and the day had already came.

When not at home, you would deal with pretentious wanna be thugs in school. You thought stuff like those only happened in over dramatic shows until you had to deal with it yourself. You were known as the girl with anger issues as everything almost pissed you off, whether it be the way your seatmate sits or the way the class becomes noisy as the teacher comes out of the room. Almost no one would talk to you because of your intimidating persona. After moving out and transferring to a new school for high school, you thought you were never going to make friends again. You remember missing your only friend Kuroo and wishing you hadn't moved at all.

You met Yujii and became close to her, the two of you almost never separated in school. She became special to you because you've started to gain confidence because of her. You rarely got mad at anything anymore and started to voice out your opinions. Everything went perfect until the two of you became the laughing stock of the class, the bullying had transferred to your friend. Slowly but surely, it started taking a toll on your best friend.

Then, university came. The two of you had slowly started drifting apart while Yujii meets up with other people. You attracted the more popular kids, the ones who dress up and form parties. You had no idea Yujii started to feel jealous about you but you still chose to hang out with her.

Yujii felt like you were stealing everything she had and she decided to put an end to it and cut off the friendship that lasted for six years.

Your tears fall out as your reminisce those memories that you had chosen to forget.

Everything starts to make sense at this point, you begin to blame yourself for everything.

" Maybe she was right." your lips form a sad smile, just as your tears begin to fall down like waterfalls, you hear your obnoxious caller ringtone. Your ears cringe, your phone was beside it after all. You answered the call as you wiped off your tears.

" Hello?" you greet first, your voice almost sounding muffled because your nose had been blocked from all the crying.

" Sup, f/n" you hear Kuroo's voice, almost sounding exhausted as well.

"Good. you?" you try to wipe another droplets of falling tears one more time.

" Bad. Man, Suzuki was a handful" he responds, referring to Yujii. You hear Kuroo letting out an exhausted sigh.

" How is she?" you ask, as if you didn't know what her personality was.

" too clingy. I mean, she's nice but too clingy" your eyebrows furrow at the adjective given.

Clingy? since when was she clingy? In fact, she's opposite of that

Your mind was confused but was still able to piece the hints together. Recalling how she looked and talked to him and comparing to how she looked at you in disgust, it's clear that she's faking the whole 'innocent' act. You aren't that dumb to not see the fake aura she was giving off and it was enough for you to have enough of her.

" right. you hate clingy" you chuckle and rolled out of bed.

" Yeah, I prefer girls like you f/n. Laid back, is what I call it" your eyes end up rolling at his comment, you and Kuroo knew you weren't that type of person.

" Was I supposed to laugh?" you put out a sarcastic tone but you only hear him laugh sardonically. Seconds later, awkward silence filled the air.

" So, tell me what happened about Kenma" you hear him become serious immediately, just when you thought you wouldn't have to hear about the situation again, Kuroo ends up asking about it. You throw your head back a little and close your eyes.

I really hate this

Unbeknownst to you, Kuroo had already acquired some knowledge about what really happened to Kenma and just wanted to hear your side of the story.

" I'm not even going to bother" you mumble, to which Kuroo hears. You hear sounds of the bed creaking, assuming that Kuroo had positioned himself on his bed.

" Give him a chance, f/n" you furrow your eyebrows at his reply. That's what you did last time but in the end, you were right about Kenma. Or so you thought you were.

" I'll give him a chance after I know why he acted so unprofessional and mean" your rested your elbow on your other hand as you attempt to cross your arms while in call.

" no can do" your mouth opens at his non-nonchalant response, you thought Kuroo would give in and tell you right away but boy you were wrong.

" Why not? do you not want me to get along with him?" you raise an eyebrow at his confusing actions. You knew Kuroo was the crafty type, he runs simulations in his head before he does things to get what he wants and tonight is one of them.

He wants you to make up with Kenma, as if you and Kenma had ever fought. It was you who have a bad blood against the gamer, you bet he doesn't even have a knowledge about how you feel about him now and if he even cares.

" course I do, you just have to do it on your own."

" Are you seriou-"

" plus, I feel like it's too heavy for me to talk about and i'd basically disrespect his privacy y'know?"

you stop mid-sentence after hearing him.

Is it about that scandal you read on his comment section?

You were convinced it was, maybe it was too heavy of a scandal that it took a toll on him. But the question was, what does that have to do why he was so bitchy that day?

You let out a sigh, admitting defeat to Kuroo, " Alright alright. I'll see him on Wednesday" you roll your eyes, just when you were about to end the call, Kuroo laughs and speaks one more time.

" you mean right about now?"

" What?" you held your phone away from your face in disbelief.

" I told him you weren't home and asked him to drop something off for me" Kuroo let's out a loud laughter of Triumph, like he had just won a game of intense chest and is rubbing salt on the opponent.

" Are you- Tetsurou!"

" Bye then, f/n" a short beeping sound ring consecutively, signalling that the call had already been ended.

" You've gotta be kidding me" with your hands in a praying position in front of your mouth in shock, you hear a few knocks. Probably from the man himself, Kenma.

" No no no" you panic as you jolt towards the door to see who it was through the small peephole.

And you were right, it is Kenma. He stands in front of the door after he bent down to drop off something like Kuroo stated. Without thinking, you opened the door and you thought that was possibly one of the dumbest things you've done. You face him with a shocked expression as Kenma looks at you with his eyes widened in disbelief.

" Kuroo....." Kenma says with an angry breath, he had forgotten how much of a prankster his best friend was and tonight, he had fallen into one of his pranks.

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