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B o u n c i n g  B a l l  C o r p.  -  1 0 : 3 0 

Kenma strides through the hallway of the seventh floor at his company, Bouncing Ball Corp, a corporation that sells gaming hardware for all types of gaming platforms. He uncomfortably shifted his blue colored neck tie side to side as he clears his throat. 

" Good morning, Kozume-san." One of his employees greeted, bowing to him in respect. He returns the bow, slightly bending his back. While walking through the long hallway, he recalls your interaction with him earlier this morning. He was surprised to see you up so early at nine in the morning preparing breakfast for the two of you. The sight of him wearing a black suit with an eye catching blue neck tie surprised you as well. It was your first time seeing him dressed up as a CEO and your heart couldn't stop itself from skipping a beat. Seeing your face, Kenma smiled at your reaction. 

He halted from taking another step once he's reached his office and he sees his secretary, Mitsuhide through the semi-opaque glass door. Just as he was about to open it, Kenma hears Mitsuhide talking on the phone. 

" Yes. He's got a girlfriend now." he furrowed his eyebrows, eavesdropping wasn't his thing but he couldn't help but feel interested at the conversation. 

" You know her?" she said after a few seconds of silence. 

Mitsuhide laughed, " Good thing you dropped her. She seemed..... weird." eavesdropping to the conversation, Kenma couldn't get a single clue what his secretary was talking about. Not that it mattered to him anyways. He abruptly entered his office and Mitsuhide gasped at the sudden appearance of her boss. She quickly ended the call and placed her phone in her pocket. 

" I allow my employees to use their phones in case of emergencies. Not for some gossip." Kenma walked toward his desk. Her eyes widened at the fact that her own boss heard her on her phone, gossiping with someone else about things not related to the company. She regroups herself and immediately bowed apologetically. 

" I apologize, Kozume-san." He nodded his head and looked through the pile of papers in front of him. 

" Mitsuhide, briefly talk to me about the sales report you submitted yesterday." Kenma ordered, she gets on it quickly. 

" Let's see.." she opened a folder that held her report. " Our sales have rocketed ever since we've launched our line of gaming keyboard, we're expecting at least ten million yen worth of sales. Currently there's been a lot of people ordering from the U.S alone and that's where most of our sales came from..." he nodded his head, listening intently to the report.

" And? what else?" he asked.

" There has been a bunch of requests from other shareholders to launch a new product. But of course, the decision is all on you." 

" Let's hold out until we get a larger increase in sales for the keyboard." she nodded her head in agreement. 

" What time are my meetings today?" Mitsuhide noticed how focused and more serious Kenma has become, normally he'd be playing on his Play Station Four by now while hardly ever listening to his secretary. The sight was new to her. 

" We have a meeting with our sales and marketing department at twelve p.m."

" That's it?"

" Fortunately, that is it for today. However, I do have some requests from our manufacturing department." 

Kenma turned his head towards the secretary, his interest has been piqued. " There has been some errors during the manufacturing process and the manufacturing manager has requested your presence." Kenma let out a sigh. 

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