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" He doesn't seem that bad." your best friend since high school stuffs a small slice of strawberry cake in her mouth while she tells you her opinion about your new boss, Kozume Kenma.

" Yes, he doesn't seem like a douche bag like my old boss but he just..... rubbed me off the wrong way. You know what he said to me?" you lean in, excited to tell your best friend.

" What?" she raises a brow at you while rolling her eyes.

" He told me that I dressed like I intentionally wanted to seduce men or something!" you lean back on your chair and let out a sigh.

Yujii, the name of your best friend, rolls her eyes at you. Tired of all your complaining.

" f/n, it's not that I'm siding with your boss. It's just that... what he's saying is kind of true." she looks away and presses her lips together. Your eyebrows furrow at her comment.

" I mean, you always kind of dress slutty in my opinion."


All you could do was stare at her, not saying anything because you couldn't believe what your own best friend had just said.

"I dress however I want." you tell her, irritated at her comment.

Yujii lets out a sigh and rolls her eyes. " of course you'd say that, but one time you wore a red bodycon to my boyfriend's party." she chuckles with a smug look on her face.

You look at her with confusion, not knowing what she's trying to get at.

" Everyone stared at you, f/n. You know how mad I got when I caught my boyfriend looking at you?" you let out a sigh in disbelief.

" What does this have to do with anything? First of all, I wore that because I felt like it. I don't dress to impress other people, Yujii. I dress for myself." the feeling of irritation and frustration fills you up.

" And second of all, it's not my fault your boyfriend doesn't know how to keep his eyes away from girls." Yujii looks at you with an angered look on her face.

You unintentionally banged the table with your fist, causing your best friend to flinch. The people in the cafe suddenly turned their heads toward the commotion, interested to see what was happening.

Your eyes remain locked in Yujii's eyes, there was no hint of kindness in it anymore. All you see is hatred and annoyance. You don't know her, you don't know your own best friend anymore, you don't know the only person you trust anymore.

" Why are we arguing about this, Yujii?" you ask her in a defeated tone. Her lips form a smug smile as she looks at you in disgust.

" Because I'm done with you."

" What?" teary-eyed, you ask her while your lips begin to quiver.

" Honestly, I'm surprised at how patient I was with you. Can't you see for yourself f/n? You're full of problems."

You shake your head, trying to disagree with everything she said.

" You're nothing but a girl with anger issues, and you wonder why all your boyfriends left you."

You fists turn into a clench, your mouth couldn't let out a single word as tear drops fall down your cheeks rapidly. Yujii stands up, holding her bag on her shoulders and looks down at you. Without saying anything, she leaves the cafe. You were left there hopeless and hurt while your tears fall down like a stream of water.

Full of problems, that's what Yujii told you, to which you can't fully disagree. Having parents yell and argue all the time in a quiet Japanese neighborhood definitely affected you when you were younger, getting bullied for expressing your own opinions definitely made you into who you are today, why can't you dress how you want? why can't you express how you feel through your clothes?

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