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You woke up with a head ache from all the crying yesterday, the sun shining brightly through the window didn't help. You squinted your eyes from the bright light and looked at the clock , the time said it was currently eight in the morning and you smiled at yourself for waking up early. 

You walked your way towards the living room hoping to see a sleeping Kuroo  and you grinned when you saw him sleeping defenselessly on the couch, he had his arm covering his eyes and his other hand resting on top of his stomach. 

"Tetsurou." You called out, hoping that he'd wake up on the first call. 

" Tetsurou wake up." This time you nudged him slightly as a second warning. 

" Kuroo Tetsurou..." you placed your hands on your waist and glared at the sleeping man. 

You rolled your eyes thinking Kuroo would never wake up with such a soft warning and peered your eyes towards a throw pillow on the other side. 

You held the pillow in your hands and readied yourself to hit him on the face. Just as you raised your arms up, Kuroo opened his eyes and quickly wrapped his arms around your waist. He stood up and threw you unto the couch, causing you to let out a gasp. You heard him chuckle  as he stood up straight and looked down at you. 

" And Kuroo Tetsurou wins this round! WWE Style." He teased, a grin was formed on his face. You rolled your eyes and threw the pillow at him. 

" I hate you." A giggle comes out of your mouth. 

" Come on. You always did that when we were younger, you think I wouldn't get used to that by now?" You carried yourself up and stretched. 

" Yeah yeah. But for the record, they always worked." A smug smile formed on your lips. 

" So, what's for breakfast?" He asked you as he follows you to the kitchen. 

" I don't know. What do you want?" You asked him instead. Opening the fridge, you feel the cool air touch your skin. 

" Eggs. Rice. Milk. Natto." Kuroo listed the things he wants to eat and you laughed at him for it. 

" You eat a lot." You teased while rolling your eyes. 

" A lot? Are you kidding?" Kuroo snickered and walked closer towards you. He leaned against the counter and shakes his head. 

" Can't believe Kenma has a girlfriend now." You stopped midway from cracking an egg and looked at him. You nodded your head instead of replying and formed a slight smile. The thought of Kenma made you miss him even more, it's only been a day since he left for the business meeting but you can't help but feel lonely. Remembering your argument last night, you felt a tinge of pain in your heart. You didn't know what to expect once he comes home. Especially now that Kuroo is here. 

You feel Kuroo's stare as you cook breakfast and the stare was too strong you glared at him for it. 

" My bad." He ruffled your hair and walked away. 

" What's his problem?" You asked yourself. 

The two of you ate breakfast together and shared laughs, insults and a few stories all while eating. An hour later, you heard the doorbell ring and your heart skipped a beat because of it. You and Kuroo quickly stood up from sitting on the couch. 

" You open it." He looked at you and said. 

" N-no.. You should open it."

"He's your boyfriend."

"He's your best friend." The battle of who opens the door continued long enough for Kenma to reach for his keys and open the door himself. He began to wonder and worry why no one has answered the door for him. 

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