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You slowly opened your eyes to bright lights and grunted after realizing that you slept like a log for the past few hours. Slowly sitting up, you looked at the clock and realized it was already six in the evening. You shut your eyes, trying to remember what happened earlier but ended regretting. 

Your feet stopped in front of Kenma's studio. You wanted to talk to him, to let him explain. It hasn't been that long since the two of you started dating and you refused to let the relationship wither away just because of miscommunication. Your warm hand held the cold silver doorknob as you hesitate to open it. You let out a sigh and breathed in and out.

" Kenma..." You called sadly but there was no answer. You furrowed your eyebrows at the lack of response and opened the door anyways. Your eyebrows formed a line of concern as soon as you saw him sleeping with his head on the desk. Kenma was exhausted and that made you guilty. His computer screens lit the dark room, one of the monitors played what seemed like a volleyball match. The other one played music. You walked closer towards Kenma and payed attention to the monitor. 

The match was between a team named Karasuno and Nekoma. Kenma's team. You couldn't stop yourself from smiling after you saw Kenma and Kuroo playing. So this is what they were like in High School.

Kenma looked like he was having the best time of his life. The sleeping man moved and let out a grunt, causing you to flinch. Your attention turned to him, you studied his face. Your eyes followed his features, from his semi-long eyelashes to his pink shaded lips. Kenma was truly a pretty man. Your lips formed a curve as you turned around to face the door and leaned against the table. You patiently waited for him to wake up.

Thoughts wandered in your head while you stared at wall in front of you. " f/n?" You immediately turned your head to the voice. Kenma sat straight with his eyes narrowed, still struggling to fully wake up. 

" Good morning." You joked. His eyes widened and quickly looked at the time. He had an annoyed expression after finding out it was only six in the evening. You giggled at his reaction, causing him to remember what had happened earlier. The air suddenly turned tense as the two of you shared silence. The two of you looked at each other, a sad smile was painted on your face. 

"f/n.... I'm sorry." You felt a tinge of pain after realizing Kenma had lowered his pride so much to keep apologizing to you. You didn't react but kept staring at him instead, signalling him that you were listening. 

Kenma looked away, he was forming words in his mind.  " I realized how much I messed up." He said as he looked back at you. 

" I guess I was just scared." Your expression lightened and he took notice of it. 

" I was afraid that you'd hate me after telling the truth."

" But I miscalculated. I didn't realize that you'd find out the truth alone."

" And that.... you probably hate me right now." Kenma looked at you with a sad expression. You immediately shook your head to deny his statement. 

" This is worse than losing a game." His eyes looked away while his lips turned into a frown. You chuckled and rolled your eyes. 

" You really love gaming huh." Kenma's eyes widened, realizing that you were trying to lighten up the situation. A guilty look was painted on his face.

" You....don't have to stay with me." His response made your eyes water, you looked at him in shock. 

" What are you saying dumbass?" Your lips turned into a pout while you looked at him with glassy eyes. 

" D-dumbass?" He questioned. It was the first time in the twenty three years of his life that a woman had called him a dumbass. You looked at him with a glare and crossed your arms.

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