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"What?!" You flinched and snapped back to reality after hearing your father's shocked expression. His mouth opened and closed a couple of times, he wanted to say something in response but ended up not saying it. 

" W-we should talk about this peacefully. Right?" He tried to smile but the disbelief and disappointment on his face was obvious. Kenma nodded and smiled kindly at him, though he was still bewildered and confused on the inside. You couldn't react, Kenma had to move you to the side to stand by him when your father and the little girl entered the house. 

" Who's the little girl?" Kenma whispered in your ear, you shook your head in response. 

" I-I don't know..." You replied as your throat began to sting. He guided you to the living room where your father and the little girl quietly sat. You sat on the couch opposite to the two, averting your gaze due to the tension that surrounded the room. 

" I didn't know you had a boyfriend, f/n-chan." Your father started the conversation, his voice seemed tense and nervous. After all, he hasn't seen his daughter for a few years. You nodded your head and looked at the little girl, the gaze cause the little girl to look away. 

" And I didn't know you had another daughter." You smiled, you couldn't understand what you were feeling. But if you were to put it into words, it'd be disgusted and infuriated. Kenma swiftly held your hand and dragged it towards his lap to comfort you. Your father's expression turned sour, he was now frustrated as well. 

" What are you saying? F/n. Please understand that there's a child in the room." You narrowed your eyes at him. Kenma cleared his throat, causing yours and your father's attention to turn to him. 

" Mr. l/n. Do you want me to take...." He looked at the little girl, asking for her name with his eyes. Her eyes slowly lit up and she no longer hid her face. 

" Riku-chan." The little girl said in a high-pitched voice. Kenma warmly smiled at the little girl.

" Riku-chan. I have a lot of games, do you want to play? " He looked at your father for confirmation, the bow that your father did in response signaled Kenma that it was alright for him to distract Riku. He carefully stood up and offered his hand to the little girl with a smile. In response, Riku smiled and gladly took his hand and followed him to his gaming room. Now, it was you and your father all alone. 

" What is this f/n?" He asked, the gentleness in his voice had disappeared. It was clear that he was upset about something. 

" What is what?" You questioned, a smug look was painted on your face. 

" How come you didn't tell me you've been dating?" He asked. You wanted to reply with the same type of question, though you figured that would add fuel to the fire.

" Because I didn't feel like telling you." You replied and showed him a sad smile. Your father acted jittery as he kept arranging himself on the couch. 

" Is it too uncomfortable for you dad?" You stared at him. The man you've been idolizing and the person you preferred over your mother didn't seem like the same person anymore. You're thoughts and the way you see him has changed in a span of ten minutes and all he had to do was introduce the little girl to you. 

" Or is this question more uncomfortable?.." You raised a brow. Your father looked at you with concerned eyes, he was felt the same as well. To him, you look and act differently compared to how you were the last time you saw him.

" Have you been cheating on mom?" You questioned, the question made your father immediately shake his head in denial. 

" No.. No I wouldn't do that f/n-"

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