Author's note

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Once again, I will forever thank my readers for spending their time to read Kodzuken! I'm really happy reading you guys' comments! I'm so glad that I was able to write this book and share it with you all. Though I am really sad that it had ended, I'm still super happy to share my idea and writing with you guys! I never really thought it would become as loved as my first book since it doesn't really talk about the Haikyu stuff and that it was a little different than what readers probably have read, but no matter the popularity I'm still glad and honoured to get lovable readers!

I may not know how long I will write in wattpad, but I will enjoy every last moment >_<

You guys have no idea how much each comment makes me laugh and smile! I appreciate every single one of them.

I do have another idea coming soon! It is a sequel or a continuation of my first book Ushijima x reader! Well, I'm not really sure if it's a continuation since it's mostly about the new generation, sons and daughters of Haikyu characters!

That being said, I will take a break for awhile and brainstorm a few more ideas. I do have some requests. Anyways, thank you thank you sooo so much for the love and support!

Please stay safe and practice social distancing! It's almost over guys, we must support each other during this time of need! <3

If you have any questions or any messages, feel free to ask me! 


Sincerely, _hannahYukki_

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Art by: Yuminari

Kodzuken, signing off!

Kodzuken ( readerxkenma)Where stories live. Discover now