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You were sent a message by Kenma saying, " I've already filmed the video. " You hurriedly dressed yourself to go to work. Being late after having only worked for one night would probably be the most embarrassing thing to do and would send your dignity down the pits of hell. And because you were hurrying and focused too much on what shoe to wear like you were about to go on a date, you hadn't noticed another text message Kenma has sent you.

I'm emailing the video. Don't come today.

...And because you were to focused on driving, you STILL hadn't notice the message. Panicking, you park the car hastily in front of Kenma's house. Thanfully, no pots of flowers in front of his house had been flattened by your car tire, you didn't want to upset him AND get scolded at all. 

You take a deep breathe in and rung the doorbell. Kenma, who was lazying around staring at his projector while playing a game, hears the bell and furrows his eyebrows. It takes a while before Kenma answers you and once he did, you were met with a super annoyed expression that basically says,  "Fuck off". 

"U-uh. Today was a little early, I was caught off guard." you awkwardly smile at him, Kenma was not having it and you can easily tell.

" Didn't you read the message?" His voice sounded meaner and colder, like the Kenma you had worked with the other had disappeared and this new guy took his place. Kenma was blunt and too straightforward which led you to believe he was a bad person but this time, he really seemed like one.

Your eyebrows furrow while your hands quickly reached for your phone. Your eyes dilate at the sight of the message that was sent thirty minutes ago.

'Fuck. What the Fuck.'

Cursing yourself wasn't enough. You couldn't even believe you had already messed up. That rarely even happens to you when you're at work.

"I-I'm sorry. I was busy preparing and didn't pay my phone... at all..." your voice sounds quieter as you explain to him. Kenma closes his eyes, trying to compose himself.

" Fine. Get in." he sighs and leaves without another word. You were confused, but most importantly scared. You were scared that he was going to get mad at you and fire you, like last time. 

" But I'm not supervising today. " He doesn't face you as he explains, his voice echoes and sounds more distant as he gets in his room, leaving you alone. 

" What the hell happened to him." you asked yourself and you were curious to know why. This by far, would probably be your biggest mistake. 

You knock thrice on the door of his gaming room. Hearing no replies, you try it again. 

" Uh. W-wouldn't it be better if you knew how I edited your video?" you wrapped your hands around the cold doorknob. 

" Just do whatever." you raise a brow at his yelled out reply. 

' is he PMS'ing or something?' you joked, even though you never liked that joke to begin with.

" B-but, I wouldn't want to offend your viewers if I added something not suitable." you try to convince him, which is probably impossible right now.

You open your mouth to speak out a little more until the door opens suddenly, revealing an angered expression on Kenma's face.

" If you had opened your phone and read the message you wouldn't have to deal with this right now. So edit it and leave the video in my u.s.b lik-usual and leave" 

He slams the door in front of you causing you to gasp. You wanted to curse him out and give him a sassy reply but nothing would come out of your mouth. 

Quietly and carefully, you worked on the video like promised. With no supervision and opinions from your boss, you felt like the video wasn't going to satisfy him. You feel like you're not doing enough and you have to do better, forcing yourself to work harder than ever. 

" He's the same. He's the fucking same with everyone I've worked with." you complain to yourself, tears falling out of your glassy eyes. Who were you to feel appreciated and befriended by Kenma. You were right all along, he is and will always be a boss and you will always be an employee who he lets out his frustration on.

" The files. They're a disappointment. I gave you an hour to work on them right? How come they're not done right? When have you done anything right, l/n?"

"I'm sorry but if you had checked up on me, then maybe the files would've been perfect by now."

your boss's eyebrows furrow and she looks at you with an angered expression.

" If you didn't make good coffee I would've fired your sassy mouth right now. I'll give you another HOUR. Make it right." she throws the papers towards you and each one sways through the air softly.

Hearing your cake-faced boss's voice scolding you for the tenth time still didn't make you immune to it. You had thought you've done things right, you've already reviewed the conference files for the twentieth time but it still didn't satisfy her. 

" The table still isn't cleaned properly. Do it right." your round stomached, old and annoying manager rolled her eyes at you. You're eighteen and working overnight while studying hard in college, obviously you were too tired to clean every square inch of the table. You're tired of your lazy manager who has been passing her duties unto you but obviously, because you needed the money to support yourself, you stayed strong.

" I'm tired of it." you aggressively transferred the video into Kenma's u.s.b drive. Once finished, you immediately turned of your laptop and left the drive on the table. Quickly, you leave without a goodbye. Afraid that you might crash yourself because of anger, you calm yourself in your car. 

With yourself all calmed down, you leave the house. Like usual, when faced with a frustrated boss who lets his frustrations out on you, your energy feels drained. Like it was sucked out of you. 

" Just when I thought he was nice, he does that." you shake your head and smirked in annoyance.

Kodzuken ( readerxkenma)Where stories live. Discover now