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" For a talk?" you smirked and rolled your eyes. Knowing Yujii, the talk would possibly turn into an argument and you were smart enough to know it. 

" How'd you even know I was here." you asked her, it was your turn to look at her with a disgusted expression. 

" From Mitsuhide..." Yujii looked at her nails, flipping her hand front and back. You furrowed your brows at her and she lifted her head to look at you with a smug expression. 

" I know you're mad at me but I just wanted to talk..." she looked at you with the same mocking expression she had when you last encountered her. 

" Okay. Talk to me here." you narrowed your eyes. An irritated look was painted on her face as she stands straight and crosses her arms. 

" Fine."

" I heard you're dating your boss now." You let out a sigh, fully knowing that an argument is about to happen. 

" And you heard that from who?" 

" Mitsuhide..." she grinned. 

" We've been friends for a while now. For two years actually and... she's so much... nicer, f/n." 

" it's funny cuz we've been friends for what, nine years? and-"

" Are you just here to tell me that I've been such an awful friend?" you cut her off, your throat began to sting as you feel your tears threatening to fall down your cheeks. 

" No.. I wouldn't do that." she shook her head while chuckling. 

" Then get to the point." you glared at her. You were sick and tired of her belittling you and forgetting as if the two of you were never friends and it was obvious by the way you looked at her. 

" You want me to get to the point?" She walked closer, her face almost three inches away from yours. 

" Yes.." voice shaking, you replied to her. She nodded her head, the smug expression she had earlier disappeared and now she's looking at you seriously in the eyes. She moved back, crossing her arms. 

" I'm just curious though..."

" How do you manage to take every thing from someone in just a few months?" you shook your head, failing to understand what she meant. She noticed your confused expression.

" Three years, f/n." 


" She's liked Kozume-san for three years..." 

" And you took him away just like that.." your heart began pounding nervously. A feeling of rage is threatening to fill you up and you were afraid of it. 

" what did you use? Huh? Your face? or your body?" you slapped her across the face for assuming such disgusting things. The slap was hard enough for her to turn her face to the other side. She held her cheek and looked at you with an angered expression. 

" Shut up." tears fell from your eyes. You hated to admit it, you still wanted your friend back but hearing her insult you again and again threw that thought away. She stormed closer to you and pushed you with her hand. 

" Mitsuhide could've told Kozume how she felt.. she could've been happy by now but you stole him away from her.. "  you took a few steps back while she pushes you around with her hand. Her tears streamed down her face, a pained look was painted on it. 

" Were you not satisfied when you stole my boyfriend f/n?" 

" I didn't do that!"

" Shut the fuck up..." she yelled. You lowered your head down as your tears fell down your face. You let her push you around, exhausted after everything she's told you. 

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