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" He and I kissed." 

The ramen you've been holding unto earlier fell to the ground like it was pulled by extreme gravity. Your hands fell to the side upon hearing what Mitsuhide had just said. 

" What?" You asked, your throat becoming dry and tingly as your tears were threatening to come out of your eyes. 

" I'm sorry.. I really am!" Her eyes released more tears. You shook your head, trying to deny her confession. You wanted to slap her across the face but you also didn't want to cause a commotion. Thoughts were clashing in your head. 

" Kenma.... would never do that." You bit your lip as you try to justify Kenma's actions. Mitsuhide nodded her head and tried to wipe her tears away but more were falling down her cheeks.

" You're right... He would never do it because.... I was the one who kissed him." You stared hard at her as your tears began to fall down slowly. For some reason, you felt relief. You were relieved that it wasn't Kenma who started it but you couldn't believe what she was saying. You couldn't believe that Kenma had done that to you. That he had lied to you, he had told you nothing happened between the two of them and comforted you as if he was telling the truth. 

" Please tell me this is a joke." You begged, closing the distance between you and Mitsuhide. She backed away in fear and averted her eyes in shame.

" I'm really sorry. " You couldn't take it anymore. You didn't care about causing a commotion anymore. Everything around you seemed to trample down. The next thing you knew,  you had slapped her hard across the face, causing a large reaction from the people around you. Mitsuhide looked as if she expected your reaction. She stared in your eyes with deep regret. 

"Please don't blame Kozume-san." She sobbed, her knees failing her as she falls down on the ground. You looked down at her, your lips quivering as well. 

" He had already fired me for doing such an indecent act. He looked hurt once I did it. Please blame me instead. " You gasped for air as you began crying hard, covering your mouth with the back of your hand not to make any sounds. Your emotions were clashing. You were angered, sad, relieved, frustrated. You were feeling everything. All you wanted to do was to run away, run away from the truth, run away from everything. And you did just that. 

You aggressively stormed out of the store and walked towards the parking lot, tears still streaming down your face. Your eyes began turning red and your face started to flush. 

" f/n!" You heard the familiar voice. The voice of the man who had just lied to you. You didn't turn around, afraid to hear the truth. Afraid that it would turn out worse than it already is. Kenma called your name a few times and you never replied to any of them. You halted once you felt his grasp on your wrist. 

" f/n what happened?" You turned around and pushed him, his hand unclasped from your wrist. Just pushing him away sent pain in your heart, you didn't want to hurt him at all. But he hurt you. 

" Get away from me." You let out. You didn't want to say those words to him but anger already had full control of your emotions. 

" What's going on?" He asked innocently, you looked at him with a disgusted expression. 

" You lied to me!" You yelled, you weren't afraid of causing a commotion anymore. Kenma seemed to get what you were talking about as his expression changed. He was afraid. 

" f/n.. please let me explain." His words stopped you cold. You had promised each other that you would let each other explain when an argument happens. But that didn't matter to you anymore, your angered side didn't want to hear from him. At all. 

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