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You woke up to the piercing sound of Kenma's alarm clock and squinted your eyes while trying to slam the clock off with your hand. The moment you sat up, you immediately felt your thighs becoming sore. You covered your face in embarrassment as soon as you suddenly recalled what happened last night. On your side lied Kenma, his face showed a very satisfied sleeping expression and you couldn't help but smile at how peaceful he looked. The Kenma that you know now was very different from the Kenma that you had met for the first time. You were thankful that you had given him a chance, a chance to get to know him better and open up. 

You thought about it, he was very reserved and introverted. Well, he still is now but you could see him do his best when it comes to his company and interacting with people. You let out a sudden gasp, you had forgotten to edit the video you filmed and today was the day the famous gamer was supposed to upload it. You intertwined your fingers and placed it in front of your face, deeply in shame for forgetting to do your job. You immediately get bothered when a thought came in your mind. Ever since you've dated Kenma, you felt like you've changed. You were once a person who worked hard to the bone to pay for college and the person who had to endure a couple of bosses who were a mix of a douche-bag  and an asshole. Ever since you've met Kenma, you've been given everything on a silver platter. A job, a car and a nice house. You were very thankful for it, no words could describe how grateful you are of the two. But you quickly realized that you needed to get back on your feet and be responsible again. 

You got up despite the discomfort and put on proper clothes. You were lucky you woke up early in the morning, otherwise the epiphany you had earlier would've made you gloomy for the whole day. Waking up late would basically prove your point. Quickly, with the sounds of the pans hitting the stove, you made food the was enough for the two of you. It was a quick task, immediately heading to your room to edit the video without even eating the food that you had just made. 

It took a good two hours for you to get the editing done, perfectly. You smiled proudly while replaying the video and watching it on your own. You laughed a couple of times, mostly because of how awkward you looked on camera. You tilted your head to the side when you heard your door open. 

" I thought you magically disappeared." Kenma said, his hair was now tied up in a low bun. You smiled at him slightly and looked at the computer again. He stood behind you while placing his hands on your shoulders.

" What's this?" He asked and you immediately furrowed your eyebrows. Had he forgotten about the video already?

" I just finished editing the video we made last night." You turned around to look at him. His eyes slowly widened in shock one he realized it. 

" Crap." He said with a straight face. It didn't even look like he was panicking at all. Kenma only let out a sigh and ruffled your hair. 

" Thanks, f/n." His lips formed an appreciative close-lipped smile and you nodded your head in response. 

" Now I feel bad." Kenma added, you looked at him and tilted your head in confusion, waiting for him to explain why he said that. 

" You weren't there when I woke up," He replied, a displeased look was painted on his face. 

" Sorry," Your head lowered down slightly. You hear Kenma let out another sigh as he sat down on your bed. " I got kind of annoyed that you weren't there but immediately felt awful when I saw the food on the table." He explained. 

" Then I feel more awful now that I realized I forgot about the video." He shook his head, disappointed at his own actions. You quickly reassured and told him it was alright, that it was your decision. 

" Must be hard trying to juggle life between being a ceo and a famous youtuber." You teased, attempting to lighten his mood. Kenma looked at you with his lips forming a slight smile. 

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