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Fifteen minutes in, you sat on the floor still thinking about the situation. How did Kenma know about the shrine? you thought.  Did Hinata tell him about it? they seem like the type of friends who text each other a lot. 

Flinching at a sudden sound, you hear a familiar tone echoing from your room. It's your caller ringtone and someone unexpected is ringing up. You quickly stand up in position, preparing yourself to barge in your own room where Kenma, the man who just confessed to you, is in. You swallow, even nervous at the thought. You ignore all those head pounding thoughts of things that could possibly happen and barge in anyways. It is your room and it is your phone after all

You expected Kenma to answer the call, he'd already passed the line and went through yours anyways so why would Kenma not answer it, right?  With a furrowed brow, you aggressively hold the door open. Only to see Kenma sitting at your chair and staring at the said phone. His arms were crossed, staring at it as if waiting for the phone to decline the call itself. 

" U-uh...." the two of you share eye contact, still feeling shocked and embarrassed of what happened. He stands up in a sudden motion, causing you to flinch. Kenma grabs the phone and walk towards you with it in his hand. 

" W-who's the call from?" you look away, trying not to make it obvious that your cheeks have been feeling warm and flustered. He does the same. 

" Shoyo..." He hands you the phone while looking away, his other hand in the pocket of his gray jogger pants. It's Hinata, the nervous thought floats in your head. Kenma takes a second to look at you, a look that's been giving you the chills. It's as if he was telling you not to answer it. With that he leaves. You clench your fist, Hinata has been a great person-- a friend to you. For you to just avoid him like Kenma wants, it's unfair. He leaves the room, his usual laid back persona comes back as if nothing had happened. 

Just as the call was about to end, you quickly answer it. " Hey...." you greet him.

" Oh? L/n-san, is everything alright?" his curious question causes you to think, are you really alright after all? Kenma had just confessed to you but the suffocating feeling still remained in your heart. Shouldn't you be happy that the man you've always liked likes you back?

" No..." you honestly tell the truth and you lower your head down in exhaustion. 

" Seriously? Did something happen?" Hinata sounded like he was doing something on the other side of the phone, his breath was getting heavier and heavier. Probably going for a run or something.

" Nah, I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed."  


" huh? are you the type of person to roll over while sleeping, l/n-san?"

He doesn't get the expression, does he?  You chuckle at his innocent response, smiling after everything that has happened so far. 

" Anyways, I called you cuz you didn't respond to my text. I was gonna ask if you could still come tomorrow." the still light of beam shining through your window makes you feel melancholy all of a sudden. You want to come but your heart says otherwise. Whatever that feeling is, you wanted to ignore it. To throw it out the window. 

" Yeah.. I'm coming." his confession replays in your mind over and over again. Why did it sound more like a threat? As if he was confident that you'd listen to him. As if he knows you'd gotten used to following his orders. 

" Yay! that's great. I'll text you the details later then. Thanks l/n-san!" you open your mouth as if you still wanted to say something-- something that starts with ' I take it back' or ' I'm not going' but the call ends before you could. Your hand falls down to the side and you let out a sigh.

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