Kalin White *Sweet*

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Areyana (pronounced Ariana):
-Caramel skin
-Light brown curly hair
-Dark brown eyes

Areyana P.O.V.

"Don't look now, but cute lightskin is making his way towards us right now," said my friend Sabrina.

"What?" I turned around and saw Kalin White walking to my table. He smiled once our eyes made contact. I quickly turned back around and looked at my friend, "What is he doing?"

"Shh," she said.

"Hey, Areyana." His voice was beautiful.

Play it cool, I thought to myself

I turned around slowly and smiled, "Hey Kalin. What's up?"

"Um, I wanted to know if you wanted to go to Myles and I's show tomorrow night. I know it's last minute but it'll be really hype and Sabrina can come too if she wants." He looked at her.

"We'll be there, Kalin," she answered before I could say anything.

"Cool! So I'll see you tomorrow. Bye," he waved and walked back to his table.

"What the hell just happened?" I asked still in shock.

"Kalin just invited you to watch him and Myles perform tomorrow."

"Oh my god!"

"Shh, don't freak. He's still looking over here."

I calmed down and listened to Sabrina as she planned our outfits for tomorrow night.


"We're here!" I hopped out of the car and closed my door and waited for Sabrina to get out too. She looked amazing in her black skater skirt and gray log sleeved crop top. I was wearing gray skinny jeans and a black strapped crop top.

"Kalin is going to love you!" she said squealing. We walked inside the venue and there were already about 50 girls here.

"There are a lot of girls here that look amazing. He's not going to notice me."

"Areyana, he's the one who invited you here. He's obviously going to be looking for you in the crowd."

I shrugged my shoulders and we walked closer to the stage. More people started entering the venue and it got really crowded. A few minutes later the show began. I listened to their music all the time, but I didn't know how hype they actually got performing. It was amazing!

I was taken out of my train of thought when I heard Kalin speak, "So we're about to perform our next song, but there's a problem." He paused, "We don't have any girlfriends."

As soon as he said that, the crowd of hormonal girls screamed. Kalin and Myles hopped off stage. Myles walked in one direction and Kalin walked in mine. He reached out and grabbed my hand. The girls around me were jealous and shooting daggers. As we made it back to the stage, I heard Myles voice:

No other girl got me feeling like this this
So let me tell you how it is is is
No other girl got me feeling like this this
So let me tell you how it is is is

Kalin sat me on a stool on the stage next to Myles' girl. Then he began singing:

Ain't gonna make you frown
If you were my girl baby, you know it
Can I take you out?
Show you round my city all night
I just wanna take your hand and make you mine
Girl you know this feelings right
Not like the rest
I know how to treat you girl
Listening to when you speak
I got everything you need
Bring it forward, tell me what you want

I looked at him in awe. I knew his voice was amazing, but listening to him up close like this was pure magic.

I don't want to be just another friend
Baby its been on my mind so imma
Let my heart do the talkin

Kalin gently pulled me off the stool and held my hand:

If you were my girl
Yeah yeah
I'd give you the world
Yeah yeah
Diamonds and some pearls
Yeah yeah
I mean every word I said
Would you be my girlfriend?

He repeated that over a couple more times then Myles began rapping to his girl. Kalin spun me around dancing to the music. The smile on my face probably looked stupid, but I didn't care. Kalin sang the chorus again and the song ended. Kalin escorted me off the stage and I walked back to a screaming Sabrina.

"That was so cute! He so likes you!"

I felt the blood rise in my cheeks and shrugged my shoulders.

The boys performed a few more songs and the show ended. I was a little upset because we were having an amazing time. We were about to leave the venue when I got a text.

Don't go! Come back inside and tell security your names.~K

I did as the text said and security led me and Sabrina to the back of the venue.

"Hey girls!" said Kalin coming over and giving us hugs.

"Y'all did great!" Sabrina said.

"Thanks," Kalin and Myles replied.

Sabrina walked away with Myles to help him clean up, leaving Kalin and I alone.

"So what do you say?"

I looked at him confused, "What do you mean?"

"About being my girlfriend," his hand rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"That was really cool and really sweet that you chose me."

He looked confused, "So you'll be my girlfriend?"

I choked, "What!? That was your way of asking me?"

"Well yeah," he said really disappointed.

"In that case," I stood on my tip toes and kissed him on the lips, "I'd love to be your girlfriend."

Kalin smiled and picked me up, giving him another kiss.

I did no mean for this to be son long! Lol hope you enjoyed anyways!

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