Myles Parrish *New Girl*

719 17 1

Breeah (love the name!):
-Brown and black shoulder length hair
-Caramel skin
-Curvy (lmao)

Breeah P.O.V.

I walked up to the outside of the building and took a deep breath. It was my first day at a new school and I was not ready. I walked into the office and saw a guy walking out of one of the rooms.

"I'm tired of seeing you in here, Mr. Parrish," said a blonde woman with her hair back in a ponytail.

"I'm tired of being here, Ms. Lucas," said a boy with short brown hair styled up like a quiff, but it poofed instead.

"Well since we're both tired of seeing each other, how about you stay out of trouble?"

"I'm not tired of seeing your beautiful face, ma'am. I'm just tired of having to make such a long journey all the way down here to see it." The boy turned around and looked at me. He winked and smiled and turned back to the woman. "Have a nice day Ms. Lucas."

"Goodbye, Mr. Parrish."

I watched as the boy walked out of the office and down the hall. He was really cute.

"May I help you?" I was shaken out of my thoughts when I heard the woman's voice.

"Hi, my name is Breeah, but you can call me Bree. I'm new here," I shook hands with the woman.

"I'm Ms. Lucas, the principal."

"Nice to meet you."

Ms. Lucas walked into the office and I followed. She typed some stuff into the computer and printed something out. She handed me the paper, "This is your schedule. We are in second period right now. Have a nice day."

I gave her another smile and left the office. I looked at my schedule and the map that was printed on the back and found my class within five minutes. I took another deep breath and opened the door. I felt everyone's attention turn to me. I slowly walked into the class and handed the teacher my schedule. He was a tall bald man.

"Welcome! Class we have a new student. This is Breeah," he announced.

"Bree," I corrected.

"Alright then, Bree, you can sit in the empty seat in the back next to Myles," he looked up, "Mr. Parrish please raise your hand.


I looked in the back and saw the boy from the office. He smirked. I walked to the seat and sat down.

"We meet again."

"Hello," I responded.

"So why do you want people to call you Bree, instead of Breeah?"

"Why do you care so much?" I said rudely.

He raised his hands in defense, "Just wondering."

"Well if you must know, I don't like it. It's weird and different."

"I think-"

"Mr. Parrish, will you please!" shouted the teacher, "You don't want to get wrapped up with him, Bree. He'll only distract you."

"Sorry, sir," I said, shooting Myles a dirty look. I turned my attention back to the lesson and paid attention. A few minutes later, a folded piece of paper landed on my desk. I opened it up and read it:

I think Breeah is unique. It's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.~YBM

I looked over at Myles, who was facing the board, but he had a smile on his face. I sunk in my seat and stared at the note. I think I'm going to like it here.

This was so cute! Hope you enjoy!

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