Music Video (Prinxiety) (slight Logicality)

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Prinxiety/Logicality Music Video

"We're doing a music video!" Roman declared as he burst into the common room of the mind palace.

"Why?" Virgil asked, drawling.

"I do not sing," Logan said.

"Ooo! What song are we gonna do?" Patton asked excitedly.

"The answers will come in due time!" Roman said, as if addressing a crowd of people. "But first," he sighed. "We need Dee and Remus."

"What!" Virgil exclaimed upon hearing Deceit and Remus' names. "Why would we need them?"

"We just do," Roman said. He lifted his arm and suddenly Deceit and Remus were standing in the corner of the room.

"What do you want?" Deceit asked. Remus just shrugged and took a deodorant container from his pocked and began chomping on it.

"We're doing a music video!" Patton exclaimed.

"Gimme your hat," Roman said.

"It's 'give me' not 'gimme'. Please make an effort," Logan said.

"You're not getting my hat," Deceit said. Then Remus snatched it from Deceits head and threw it to Roman. Deceit glared at him and growled. Roman dropped three pieces of paper into the hat. And told Remus, Patton and Virgil to choose one.

"I got Dee!" Remus announced.

"I got Logan!" Patton said excitedly.

"And I got the prince himself," Virgil grumbled.

Roman smiled.
"Okay, now everyone think of a song to do," he said.

The sides all whispered among themselves for a moment until Roman spoke up again.

"Go to someone's room and practice a dance choreography!" He said. He and Virgil went to Virgil's room; there was more room in there.

"And then you lift me up?" Virgil asked, his voice laced with worry and doubt. Roman nodded. He had chosen "A Whole New World" from Aladdin for his song. Roman had decided that he was going to lift Virgil above his head.

"Well, there's no talking you out of it," Virgil sighed. Roman smiled and walked over to his phone. He connected his phone to Virgil's speaker and started playing the song. They danced around, Virgil a lot less enthusiastic than Roman. Then, the first chorus came on and Virgil jumped into Romans arms. Roman lifted him above his head for a second before he lost his balance and they both fell to the ground. Virgil fell on top of Roman's chest. Their faces were so close to each other.

Roman snickered and gave Virgil a peck on the lips, continuing to chuckle. Virgil turned such a bright red that is shine pink through his white foundation.

"Wh- I- D- Uh-" He stuttered.

"Gotcha caught in a daze?" Roman sniggered.

"No!" Virgil hissed. To be honest, he was glad he got paired with Roman. He had feelings for him, even though Roman was painfully oblivious to it.

Roman smirked. Virgil quickly got up and put his hand out. Roman grasped it and stood up.

"So, onto your song?" Roman asked. Virgil nodded and connected his phone to the speaker. He clicked on the song "I'm Just Your Problem" and it played. They began organizing their dance.

Finally, everybody was ready. Remus and Deceit were first. Remus started with "Haus of Holbein" from SIX. He danced around while Deceit just stood with his head in his hands.

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