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Kaelynn's P.O.V.

I never really trusted anybody except my little sister. She's the only family I got. And I have to protect her from the dangers of the world. And our foster parents.

Yes, we are foster children, with no mother or father. As far as I know, they died in a house fire. I can remember that night. The sirens, the smoke, the blaze. It was all too much. And it made my sister cry. Then past out. Charlize was never a strong girl emotionally. That's why I must remind her that these people don't care about us, so she won't get too attached to them. All they care about is the money they get for taking us in. "We love you two dearly", "We care about you girls", "We only want y'all to be safe." Lying straight through their teeth. If they "loved" and "cared" about us and our "safety", they wouldn't constantly be sending is back to the adoption center. No matter if I had an attitude or not.

Trust is a thing that is earned. Nobody has earned my trust. How could they? Have I known anybody for most of their life? No. Has anybody told the truth, and nothing but the truth? No. Have I been taught to trust nobody, and I mean not a single soul? Yes.

Thirteen times. Thirteen times I've been in and out foster homes. Seven times, it was because me and Char were seperated, and we couldn't handle that. Char would throw tantrums while I would pull pranks on the whole household, just to get back to the center and be together. That's a lot for a sixteen-year-old and a ten-year-old to be going through. But, hey. As soon as I turn eighteen, we are out of here.

Did I feel bad for putting the people through these things? Nope. Not. A. Bit. I couldn't care less that these people are taking advantage of us and thinking we're dumb little kids. We aren't we're pretty smart for our ages.

And we can dance. Just a little side note. Actually, when we get out of school, we go to places and dance in the streets to get some money, since I won't apply to a job. Why should I? We never stay in an area for a long time. So, there's no point.

My big plan was to save up for an apartment, get out of this place, then get a job so I could take care of Char. It wasn't completely thought out, but we'll manage. But, some woman we didn't even know had to ruin that whole dream. Just by saying eight words.

A/N: Charlize is the one in the yellow, Kaelynn is the one in the orange. Just btw.

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