The Fallout

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Brielle woke up smelling what she guessed was breakfast. She looked over at the alarm clock on the nightstand and saw it was already 9. She stretched her arms above her head and pushed the covers back. She walked down the stairs and stopped swallowing a laugh. 

Blake Griffin was in her kitchen cooking breakfast with Drake playing from his phone on the counter. Blake was so into the music and what he was doing he had no idea she was there. 

Brielle walked into the kitchen and sat down at the bar still not saying a word. Blake turned to set a plate down on the counter and jumped as he finally saw her.

“Jesus scare the shit out of me,’ Blake smiled.

“Sorry. I didn’t want to interrupt,” Brielle smirked.

“Haha. Hungry?” Blake asked.

Brielle nodded instead of answering. Blake sat a plate in front of her. He had made scrambled eggs, bacon, and pancakes. 

“I didn’t realize I had all this here still,” Brielle said taking a bite of food as Blake walked around the counter and sat down next to her with his own plate. 

“You didn’t. You’re not the only on who can get up early,” Blake smirked at her.

“Funny. What are we doing today?” Brielle asked.

“I wasn’t sure what all you had to do today so all that’s planned is dinner with my parents later,” Blake explained.

“The guys are having shooting practice from 11 to 1 then I’m done,” Brielle said around bites of her food. 

“Okay. We’re not meeting until 7. That’s plenty of time for you to call your parents when you get back and before we go,” Blake said looking over at her and waiting for her reaction.

“Why don’t I just do it now and get it over with so you’ll stop bringing it up?” Brielle asked getting up and running back upstairs and grabbing her phone. 

She walked back down the stairs and sat back down at the bar. She pulled up her mom’s contact and turned it on speaker as the phone rang. She sat it down on the counter between her and Blake and waited for either her mom to pick up or for her to be sent to voicemail. Just when she thought she was going to get out of it her mom answered. 

“Hello?” Grace asked answering the phone.

“Hi mom it’s Brielle,” Brie said suddenly nervous about how this was going to go.

“Brielle? My daughter who’s dating Blake Griffin Brielle?” Grace asked. 

Brielle looked over at Blake who had a curious look on his face before reluctantly answering. 

“That would be me,” Brielle sighed. 

“Nice of you to include your mom on what’s going on in your life,” Grace spat. 

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