Marieka did as Blake asked and got Brielle to the hospital fast. She called Gail on the way in and she and Tommy would be meeting her there. She texted Taylor to find out just where he and Blake were in the air as they pulled up to the emergency room entrance. She knew enough to know they would immediately send her to labor and delivery but at least going this way would get her in a wheelchair. Marieka was athletic, but there was no way should could carry around a very pregnant Brielle.
She sighed reading Taylor's response as she turned off the engine. They were flying over Indiana and still had about three hours to go.
"Brie can you stand up at all?" Marieka asked looking over at Brielle.
"I..I think..I can," Brielle stammered as she fought through another contraction.
"No don't. Let me go in and get you a chair," Marieka said climbing out of the SUV and running into the emergency part of the hospital.
She looked around for a random wheelchair and when didn't find one she finally found someone to ask. She ran out of the emergency room pushing the wheelchair in front of her and quickly pulled open the passenger door and helping Brielle into it.
"I don't want to do this without Blake. Please don't make me do this without him," Brielle cried turning pleading eyes up at Marieka.
"Aww honey he's coming I promise. They're in the air now," Marieka smiled sympathetically as she pushed Brielle through the emergency room and to the elevator.
Marieka silently prayed as the elevator went up to the third floor. She needed Gail at least to get here fast. She wasn't sure how she was going to handle this all on her own. When the doors opened she quickly pushed Brielle up to the desk and checked her in. Luckily she and Blake had taken care of the admission paperwork at one of the last doctor visits they had been at so all they needed to do was get her checked into the computer and put in a room.
"Are you having any pain dear?" Her nurse smiled down at her as she lead Brielle and Marieka to a room.
"Yes," Brielle sighed squeezing her eyes shut as another contraction hit her. "I just need my husband," She said as she started tearing up.
The nurse showed them around the room and handed Brielle the gown she needed to change into before telling them she would be back to check her and get her on the monitor.
"Will you ask where they are now?" Brielle sniffled looking over at Marieka who was looking down at her phone.
Marieka nodded as she quickly typed a text to Taylor. Brielle managed to get herself changed into the gown and she laid down on the bed.
"Do you want the blanket?" Marieka asked reaching down to pull the blanket and sheet up over her.
"No it's hot," Brielle said shaking her head as the nurse walked back in.
She hooked Brielle up to a few different monitors, one for each of the babies and one for her and started her IV. She got her all set up in the bed to check and see how far along in labor she currently was.
"You're thirty four weeks and four days correct?" The nurse asked as she double checked the paperwork she had brought in with her.
"Yes ma'am," Brielle nodded.
The nurse made a few notes before finally checking to see how far along she actually was.
"You're four centimeters dilated and about sixty percent effaced. We're going to be here for a while," The nurse smiled reassuringly at an emotional Brielle.
"Thank God," Brielle sighed.
"Being that the babies are early they will have to go to the NICU. A nurse from over there will be over to talk to you about all of that," The nurse explained.

The Other Side *A Blake Griffin FanFic*
FanficBrielle met Blake while they were both attending OU. They were friends but she was focused on school and her sports medicine degree while he was focused on basketball. After some major changes in both their lives they meet back up when the Clippers...