Make Up To Break Up

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Brielle looked up from her laptop hearing Blake walking into the living room.

“Morning sunshine,” Brielle smiled. 

Blake grumbling something she couldn’t understand walked over to the full size refrigerator and pulled out a carton of orange juice. He opened it and took a big drink while looking at a smirking Brielle. 

“What?” He asked setting the carton on the counter.

“You’re lucky I remembered what you like. There was nothing in there in this morning,” Brielle said from behind her coffee mug.

“Jesus how long have you been awake?” Blake asked grabbing the orange juice and walking around the counter and sitting down on the barstool next to her.

“A few hours. Your ringing phone woke me up,” Brielle glared at him.

“Shit,” Blake whispered taking his phone out of the pocket of his basketball shorts. He had grabbed it when he got up not even looking at it. The only person he wanted to talk to this morning was in the same suite with him.

Looking down at the screen he had twelve missed calls from Kayla along with five novel length texts, a missed call and text from DJ, and a text from Doc. He opened the text from Doc, a mess text sent to the whole team about where they were all staying tonight and what time curfew was. He rolled his eyes reading the text from DJ.

Your girl has severe issues. Just a heads up she was here looking for you a few times last night.....

He didn’t even bother reading the texts from Kayla. He would deal with that later before he checked in to the hotel for the night.

“Let me guess. She’s pissed?” Brielle said typing away on her laptop. She was working on the status report for the next two games in Los Angeles. Coach expected it in his inbox the afternoon before the games so that he could make changes to his game plan if need be. 

“Pissed might be an understatement,” Blake sighed rubbing his hands over his face.

“Well, go handle your business then,” Brielle said shutting the lip to her laptop and getting up from her seat. 

“Brie wait,” Blake said grabbing her arm as she got up. 

“What?” Brielle asked turning around.

“I can’t leave if you’re upset with me. Can we please go back to where we were last night?” Blake pleaded. 

Sighing Brielle nodded. “Okay. I’m not mad at you. You weren’t single last night either,” 

“You know after I handle that situation you’re going to have to come up with another excuse,” Blake said pulling her into his lap.

“I already have a list,” Brielle said matter of fact. 

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