What's Wrong With Me?

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A month had passed since that night in Norman. Blake and Brielle had made it back to LA and Brielle had gotten settled in his house, well now their house fairly quickly. They had been home a week before the speculation that Blake was engaged blew up prompting Blake to release a statement that yes he was engaged and they were very happy and as usual he asked for privacy. 

The Clippers had their first preseason game next week at home against the Utah Jazz and Blake had been gone a lot spending time with the team and trainers as they got ready for the preseason to start. 

Brielle had been spending a lot of time with both Marieka and Jada Paul. She was currently on her way to meet the girls for lunch. Jada had offered to come get her as had Marieka but Brielle insisted she needed to learn how to drive in LA at some point if it was going to be her new home. 

She parked her car as close as she could get to the restaurant. As she got out she could hear what sounded like a few different people yelling her name. She turned looking across the street seeing reporters with cameras no doubt trying to get a picture of her and her ring. 

She rolled her eyes as she turned back to the restaurant. That was something else she was having to get used to too. She no longer had the freedom of being able to go out anonymously. She tried her best to take the good with the bad on that one. At least she and Blake were together, but now that they were together in LA paparazzi were everywhere. 

Brielle walked into the restaurant and was immediately led back to the back where Jada and Marieka were already waiting. The girls smiled up at her as she pulled the chair back and sat down. 

“Sorry I’m late. Still learning my way around,” Brielle sighed. 

“It’s ok. You know we would’ve both been more than happy to come get you,” Jada said giving her a pointed look. 

“No I know,”

“I’m sure your little followers out there don’t help either,” Marieka laughed. 

“I don’t get it. I wonder if that’s an icebreaker on dates. I stalk celebrities for a living what do you do?” Brielle laughed rolling her eyes as she grabbed the menu.

“Just wait until you’re expecting. It’s ten times worse trust me. They will camp out in front of the doctor’s office, outside your house, everywhere,” Jada sighed. “That was the first time I was ever worried about Chris fighting someone off the court,”

Brielle laughed looking up from her menu.

“The first time? He seems like such a mild mannered man,” Marieka asked. 

“He usually is but he has his moments. Don’t ever mess with his kids especially if you’re holding a camera,” Jada laughed. 

The girls ordered their lunch and made small talk as the waited for it to be delivered. 

“How are you liking it out here so far? I feel like I’ve barely seen you since Oklahoma,” Marieka asked.

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