Art Talk

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"Man when was the last time I ever went through an entire carton of eggs?" Jack chuckles as he looks at the table and the many different egg themed dishes he had whipped up, ranging from the giant omelette that Miia requested, folded about to fit the plate, to the egg drop soup and the scrambled eggs that he had paired with mashed potatoes. "Today is going to be a rich kind of lunch today." He says as Miia, Christine and Gabriella join him at the table. "We've got eggs on top of eggs!"

"Yay!" Miia cheers as she takes a seat, making sure her tail isn't going to trip anyone as Christine and Gabriella do the same, and Jack joins them as soon as he finishes washing off the pan. As they eat, Miia's eyes light up. "Oh my goodness, this is so good!"

"Thanks." Jack chuckles. "When I was younger I often incorporated eggs into my meals whenever I cooked because they just made it all the better."

"Well you sure know your stuff!" Miia says as she decides to get a taste of the egg drop soup. "Are you sure you're from America? Because this soup is special to Asian countries."

"In America it's a whole melting pot." Jack replies. "You see I actually have roots in Vietnam, and Christine and Gabriella have their roots in Ireland."

"Ireland?" Miia asks. "Isn't that the country where they have all of those ridiculously strong barbarian people?" Christine and Gabriella immediately burst out into laughter.

"Sadly not every Irish person is as strong as you think they are." Christine chuckles. "But Gabriella and I are stronger than your average person so I guess that holds true to some point."

"And Jack isn't?" Miia asks.

"Well I'm strong in a different way." Jack replies. "I may be no weightlifter but I am a martial artist known throughout America. I was given the nickname "Red Dragon" for my prowess in so many different martial arts."

"That's cool!" Miia says as she continues eating the egg drop soup. "What's your record?"

"Record?" Jack asks, a forkful of scrambled eggs stopped at his mouth. "What do you mean record? Like wins to losses?"

"Yeah, that." Miia replies.

"I've only lost two fights out of what? Fifteen?" Jack muses to himself. Without much more to say the group continues eating. Eventually the group finishes their lunch and they haphazardly leave their dirty plates and utensils in the sink to be washed later on in the day as the three relax on the couches.

"So what kind of martial arts do you do?" Miia asks.

"I do many." Jack replies. "I first did karate, then I did various types of kung fu, I did a lot."

"Kung fu?" Miia asks.

"Yeah there are different types." Jack replies. "There's dragon, which I don't know a lot about, there's mantis, tiger which is one of my favorite styles, leopard and snake which might interest you."

"Wait there's snake kung fu? Why was I never taught that?" Miia laughs. "You wouldn't mind teaching me would you?"

"At some point it wouldn't hurt to teach you." Jack chuckles.

"And Christine, what kind of art do you do?" Miia asks, turning to Christine.

"Just as many as Jack does martial arts." Christine replies. "I do normal portraits, I do sculpting, I do a lot really. It's why they were fighting over me. The only thing I can't do is stuff that relies on digital art- I absolutely hate it when I have to draw on a computer with the mouse. Even when you have a "pen" to draw with it never comes out the way you want it."

"I haven't drawn anything on a computer before but I could imagine that would be hard." Miia says as the four continue to laze around watching TV. With nothing else to do Jack goes off to wash the dishes, once again leaving Miia with the girls. "So do you guys play games a lot?"

"We do, but we have to get a new gaming system at some point." Christine replies. "We had one, but one of Jack's cousins smashed it while he was throwing a hissy fit. I honestly couldn't believe it when he violently ripped the cords out, threw it against the TV, and then threw it out the window where it was smashed to pieces by a car."

"Geez..." Miia mumbles. "What was wrong with him?"

"He was a spoiled brat who loved to watch WWE, which is basically staged wrestling." Christine replies. "The last time we ever saw him Jack wouldn't let him play because he had been hoarding the game system, and instead of simply handing it over he threw Jack into a chokehold. Fortunately because Jack was a martial artist he managed to stop him."

"And how old is he?" Miia asks.

"Ten." Gabriella replies bluntly. "He's no fun to play with."

"I don't blame you." Miia mumbles. "Was that the last time he came to visit?"

"I think so yeah." Christine replies.

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