Tender Care

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A few days after the incident with Papi Jack woke up to find himself trapped by Miia again, but instead of protesting he simply decided to let her warm up as she had been doing this for the past few days. Once Miia was completely warmed up though, she bolts straight into the kitchen much to Jack's surprise.

"Oh, Miia? What are you doing?" Jack asks as he sees Miia pull out a pot.

"This is going to be in preparation for lunch..." Miia says to herself as she puts water in the pot and leaves that to boil. "And now I will be making breakfast for all of us darling!"

"Well this is certainly interesting." Jack chuckles. "You want to cook for us?"

"I mean with what guidance you gave me, this shouldn't be too hard." Miia chuckles back. "Besides if one day I get married I want to be able to do this for my loved one!" And with that she becomes lost in her imagination...

"Honey! I'm home!"

"Oh, welcome home darling! I know you had a long day at work, so I'll give you a few choices! Do you want dinner? Or a bath? Or perhaps... Me?"

"I'll have you for dinner in the bath!"

"Oh darling you're so greedy!"

"Um... Miia? Hello?" Jack says, trying to get Miia's attention.

"Oh, sorry about that, what is it?" Miia asks, snapping out of her dazed stupor.

"Umm... The pot... It's boiling over." Jack replies.

"It is?" Miia asks before looking to see the pot. "Oh SHOOT!" She shouts as she grabs the pot and brings it up away from the stove. The only problem was she grabbed it without mitts, and it's not long before her hands begin to turn as red as her tail...



"Oh boy... At least that does it for your hands..." Jack says as he finishes bandaging up Miia's burnt hands. "Just give it a little bit and you should be able to use your hands again."

"Ow... This hurts..." Miia mumbles before she spaces out again.

"Miia?" Jack asks, waving her hand in front of Miia's face. Eventually she snaps out of it again.

"I'm gonna just go in my room..." Miia says as she slithers into her room and locks the door behind her. That's when Christine, Gabriella and Papi emerge.

"What happened?" Papi asks.

"Miia burnt herself real bad trying to cook for us." Jack replies. "I'll finish what she started."

"You still intend to cook despite that broken leg of yours?" Christine asks. "Here, let me do it. You go see if Miia's alright."

"Alright, thanks." Jack replies as he heads to Miia's room and gently knocks on the door. "Are you alright? I mean mistakes happen."

"I still feel ashamed of myself..." Miia's voice mumbles. Jack can then hear her self-deprecating herself, and he wants to just head on in and comfort her, but before that thought can cross his mind he sees something just next to the door.

"Huh? What's this?" Jack mumbles as he picks it up. "It's almost like paper... But at the same time it's not... It's almost like-" Jack gets cut off by Miia throwing the door open and tackling him to the ground. Once he gets a good look at Miia he notices that there are various spots on her tail and that's when he realizes it. "You're molting?"

"...Yes..." Miia blubbers as she gets off of Jack and lets him into her room, locking the door as he walks in. "I'm a failure... I can't cook, I can't clean, I can't even molt properly... How is anyone going to want me now?"

"Hey, if you want, I can help you with that." Jack says, and Miia suddenly looks at him like he just suggested for her to strip for him out of the blue.

"Huh?" Miia asks. "What do you mean?"

"I'll help you with that molting of yours." Jack replies. "I hear if that stays there you could end up getting a skin disease, and probably because of your new environment, it's a little stressful and snakes find it hard to molt under stress."

"Wait, how do you know all of this?" Miia asks.

"Miss Smith gave me a big ol' book on snakes and had me read up on them." Jack replies.

"Well... Since I can't use my hands... I may as well let you help me out." Miia says. "This is embarrassing..."

"And being seen naked isn't?" Jack asks.

"That's the second worst thing." Miia replies as she lays on her bed and Jack begins preparing by setting up a series of humidifiers and wetting some towels with a special ointment.

"If I do this right, this should come off without a problem." Jack says to himself as he lays the towels along Miia's lower body, and then they play the waiting game. A few minutes pass and once Jack takes off the towels, the old skin looks more than ready to be pulled off without a second's notice. "All right, let's begin."

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